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🚀 Ignite Your Coaching Presence with TikTok Ads 🚀

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🚀 Ignite Your Coaching Presence with TikTok Ads 🚀


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“Thank you soooooo much for today!!!!! I am beyond excited for the course and everything you’re helping me with!

You are a pure genius and I am so grateful for you!!  Whoohoo!!! Future looking soooooo bright!!!!!”

Midia - Life Coach

🎵 Capture Attention, Inspire Action: Harness the Power of Short-form Video to Reach Your Audience

📈 Amplify Your Message, Expand Your Influence: Let Us Elevate Your Coaching Brand on TikTok

💼 Focus on Coaching, We'll Handle the Ads: Expert Management for Maximum Impact

Ready to Make Your Mark on TikTok?

Reach a Younger Audience

TikTok has a predominantly young user base, making it an ideal platform for coaches looking to connect with millennials and Gen Z clients.

Boost Brand Awareness

TikTok ads can help coaches increase brand visibility and awareness among a large and engaged audience, ultimately expanding their reach and attracting new clients.

Showcase Personality and Expertise

TikTok's format allows coaches to showcase their personality, expertise, and coaching style in creative and engaging ways, fostering authenticity and trust with potential clients.

Drive Website Traffic

TikTok ads can drive traffic to a coach's website or landing page, where potential clients can learn more about their services and book consultations or sessions.

Viral Potential

TikTok's algorithm favors engaging content, offering coaches the opportunity to create ads that have the potential to go viral and reach millions of users organically.

Stay Ahead of the Curve

By embracing TikTok ads early on, coaches can stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on the platform's growing popularity, positioning themselves as innovative and forward-thinking in their marketing approach.

✔️ Great Reviews ✔️ Clear Communication 

✔️ Timely Deliverables 

✔️ Opportunity for Ongoing Support for Your Business

Overall, TikTok ads offer coaches a unique and effective way to reach their target audience, build brand awareness, and drive business growth in an increasingly competitive digital landscape.

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Tik Tok Ads starting at only $597/mo

TikTok Ads are ideal for businesses wanting to advertise on the popular social media platform, TikTok. This subscription can help businesses generate leads, online traffic, and overall sales. As part of the subscription, our team builds out the campaigns, performs regular maintenance, provides expert recommendations, and more. We work with all types of businesses like service, retail, ecommerce, and others.



The Pro tier is recommended for monthly ad spends ranging from $500 to $2,000.

  • 1 Campaigns

  • 2 Ad Groups

  • 4 Ads

  • 1 Ad Copy




The Plus tier is recommended for monthly ad spends ranging from $2,000 to $4,000.

  • 2 Campaigns
  • 4 Ad Sets
  • 8 Ads
  • 2 Ad Copies



The Premium tier is recommended for monthly ad spends ranging from $4,000 to $8,000.

  • 3 Campaigns
  • 6 Ad Sets
  • 12 Ads
  • 3 Ad Copies



The Platinum tier is recommended for monthly ad spends higher than $8,000.

  • 4 Campaigns
  • 8 Ad Sets
  • 16 Ads
  • 4 Ad Copies

Powerful Yet
Simple Fulfillment

Streamline your digital media marketing and lead generation with our agency solution. Get unbeatable efficiency, satisfaction, and value, resulting in astounding results for your business.


With agency services you will also receive these bonus titles which are proven and effective in growing your coaching business to 6 figures per month. Learn about digital media marketing from the expert.  

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Hey Gorgeous!

I want to be your coach and creative director on your project. I've sold 8-figures ($xx,xxx,xxx) of my own online products and have helped co-create over 500 conscious brands online.

You are next! 

I am excited to help you build a meaningful coaching business which can serve humanity.  Consciousness rises, and during the ascension process people struggle.  That's why your work matters.  Join us.

I specialize in helping conscious coaches, leaders, and professionals sell more of their programs and services online.

Let me help you get into perfect alignment with what you can offer and what people are willing to buy from you. 

I've sold many millions of dollars worth of my own digital products and services... and many millions more for brands big and small.  In order to gain this level of mastery you must empathically align with your customer.  This is a skill I can teach you. Read more...

Create Global Impact Like Ryan at The Clear Leader

"We built Ryan's entire platform in Kajabi with our Kajabi Premium Package.  The entire build (website, funnels, copywriting, automation, video editing...) were done within 10 business days.  It was record time.  He was totally blown away...We like to overdeliver. Within 30 days of launch, Ryan was able to create 5 figures in online mentorship and course sales." - Marne Semick


Tedx Speaker and Coach Michaela Weaver Needed a Rebrand & Pivot

"I helped Michaela gain almost instant clarity with her pivot and she netted about $9k and then another $3k within three weeks of working with me. That's was almost an instant 4x return on investment of the mentorship that she purchased. She'll keep making much more because she has the confidence now in what she's selling." - Marne Semick


You Don't Have To Believe Me, Listen To What These Clients Have To Say

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Get 10-35x Your Investment Today With My Proven System

More Testimonials 


Life Coach

"I wouldn't be where I'm at today if if weren't for you and your marketing programs.  So, thank you."


Psychic & Author

"OMG! 1 day after I followed your instructions already have 1st call on Monday with person who wants to learn and start mediumship business!  Said “10” for committed to invest in herself and yes has investment available!  BOO YAH!!  Build it and they will come!"


Women's Coach

"Not only did she re-work my entire business, but the amount of love that she put into this...and she FEELS me.  This is what I invested my money into."


Master Coach

"Great training Marne!  I know everyone got a lot out of it."



"After my first session with Marne it gave me hope, she opened my eyes up to certain of ideas that opened up my mind.  I love her energy, I love everything about her, she’s really motivational, and I’m looking forward to moving forward with her!"


Life & Business Coach

"I got my first $4k client from Instagram in 4-6 weeks just as Marne promised."

Tap into Trending Culture With TikTok Ads

TikTok is known for its trend-driven content, and coaches can leverage this platform to stay relevant and tap into trending topics and challenges, thereby increasing their visibility and resonance with their audience.

Diversify Your Marketing Channels:

By incorporating TikTok ads into their marketing strategy, coaches can diversify their channels and reach potential clients who may not be active on other platforms like Instagram or Facebook, ensuring they don't miss out on valuable leads and opportunities.


Risk Being Left Behind:

With TikTok rapidly gaining popularity and becoming a go-to platform for content consumption, coaches who neglect TikTok ads risk being left behind by competitors who are effectively leveraging this powerful marketing tool. This could result in missed opportunities to connect with new clients and grow their coaching business.


Without TikTok Ads You May Experience Limited Audience Reach:

Without TikTok ads, coaches may struggle to reach younger demographics who are increasingly turning to TikTok for entertainment, inspiration, and education. By not tapping into this audience, coaches limit their potential reach and may find it challenging to attract clients from this demographic segment.


Increase Engagement and Interaction:

TikTok ads offer a unique opportunity for coaches to engage with their audience in a fun and interactive way. Without utilizing TikTok ads, coaches may miss out on opportunities to spark conversations, build relationships, and ultimately convert followers into clients, resulting in lower engagement rates and fewer client conversions.

Your Online Home Designed for Conscious Creators Around The World 

Entrepreneurs * Spiritual Mentors * Intuitive Coaches * Energy Healers * Authors * Content Creators * Wellness Coaches * And More


Kirby Kaden Helps Companies Hire Sales Rockstars

"Marne is extraordinarily gifted and she's entirely committed to my success.  If I were her business coach I would tell her that she's not nearly charging enough for her services."


Are you ready to create your soul-aligned business?

I literally have thousands of testimonials just like these...

Here are some real stories of success from some of my clients...

Surya Devi

"Marne is amazing!  I totally recommend for a few different reasons: 1. She's got this badass sales knowledge... 2. She's really in your corner and she believes in you, and 3. She has a level of spiritual attainment or understanding...and she really brings these pieces together harmoniously..."


"The number 1 thing that I've gotten is confidence.  A true inner knowing that what I have been providing and what I am able to provide virtually and digitally is super solid...and the private group when you sign up for the mastermind, the group is so helpful...She's the real deal...she really gets you."


"Marne is absolutely phenomenal and incredibly appreciated.  Aside from being highly intelligent, capable, and empathic, she's remarkable for her patience and presence.  I've needed to pause a number of times...and she's always there.  She has complete faith and belief in me, and that makes all the difference.  For anyone considering joining Marne, listen to your heart, because the answer is yes."


"I'm so grateful for you Marne.  I could not have done this without you, and I wouldn't have even gotten through these last several months...and I certainly wouldn't have gotten together the corporate coaching contract together without your wisdom, insight, guidance, and support."


"I have made more progress in the 2.5 weeks I have worked with you then I have in months of thinking and planning on my own."


"Thank you sooooooo much for today!!!!! I am beyond excited for the course and for everything you are helping me with!  You are a pure genius and I am so grateful for you!! Whoohoo!!!  Future looking sooooo bright!!!!  Thank you."

Offering Expert Storytelling, Custom Kajabi Builds & Digital Marketing For Coaches

One Simple Price.
$99.00/mo gets you access to our automated platform + community calls + 30% off all services for scaling your business + digital marketing library... at affordable rates. It’s a no brainer.

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Kajabi Platform Builds

Leave it to the pros, we offer customer Kajabi platform builds.  No matter your budget, we've got you covered.

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Facebook Ads

Facebook and Instagram ad solutions, generating consistent leads and sales.

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Google Ads

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Provide your business with engaging and valuable content that drives traffic and boosts online presence.

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Tik Tok Ads

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Achieve exceptional growth and increased profits with our proven solution.

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Social Posts

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Instagram Growth

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I take pride in the community that I've built and I'm not willing to let someone waste money on a program or service that's not for them. 
These programs are NOT for you if you are...

✅ An entrepreneur already making 7-figures a year with your business.

✅ A small business owner who isn't interested in building an online presence.

✅ Business owners who are at over capacity and can't handle or are not willing to take more new clients.

✅ Are in it for the money, and don't want to help other people.

✅ Cannot take action, or follow instruction. 

✅ Have a bad attitude.