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Top 3 Tips to Sell More Things

business Apr 09, 2021

Greetings!  Happy Friday to you!  

I speak with a lot of people who come into my business whose main concern is that they don't have any revenue in their business.  Instead of thriving they are stuck in survival mode.  

Look, I totally get it!  We all have to start somewhere.  

Every entrepreneur starts at $0.   There are very few people who have the luxury of being gifted wealth or money.  Most of us have to make our own way.  This is one of the things I really love about being an entrepreneur.  It's a game.  Can I do it?  How can I do it?  What are the things that need to happen for me to do this?

In today's article I'm focusing on sales because it's the recurring theme for the people that are coming into my business, so let's dig in a little bit and discuss it some more.

Sales is a people business.  People do not buy things from emails, computers, or companies.  People buy things from people.  If you are a person, which I am assuming you are, based on our current connection, then you need to understand and learn the skill of sales. This will help you wherever you are in life, even if you don't have a business.   Most likely if you're reading this you are some sort of spiritual entrepreneur.  Great news!  If you are spiritual in some way then you might even be an empath, and being empathetic is going to help you in sales.  

If you are a true empath, just know that you're 10000000% ahead of everyone else.  If you can feel what other people are feeling then you can maybe take a stab at what they are thinking, which gives you an advantage.  I discuss this and boss sales strategy in great detail in my Warrior Mastermind Course

My top three tips for any sales negotiation in life or in business are the following: 

1. Be an expert.   If you're trying to sell something and you're not an absolute boss at it, then it's not going to work.  Everyone is an expert at something; whether it's selling digital media advice or making almond milk so stick with what you know.  If you try and sell a thing or a concept and you don't know what you're talking about, it will show.  People can feel when there's murkiness behind what's being sold to them, and oftentimes they won't know why it's not for them, but they won't buy it from you.  Remove the murkiness by being an expert at what you've got.  In my two decades of selling digital media, and selling over $25mm in digital advertising; I'm an expert.  I know what I'm talking about and I've been there and done that.  That doesn't mean that I'm not constantly learning and honing my skills, because one needs to keep expanding, but I'm a boss and I know it!  Being an expert means you're confident in what you know!

2. Be genuine.  Spend a little time getting to know the person you want to bring into your business.  Ask this person questions to qualify them to see if what you have to offer is going to solve their problem.  Many times people will see my stuff on Instagram and they reach out to me and say, "Hey I really like your stuff how much does it cost to work with you?"  My standard response is "Zero right now because I have nothing to sell you.  I don't know if what I have to offer can actually solve your problem.  :) Would you like to get on a call and explore a bit?"  I do that to be a little bit cheeky, but also it's true!  I don't know this person and I can't make some judgement over an quick chat exchange and offer them something.  I just can't.  Plus I want to vet them a little bit before I bring them into a course and into my world.  I may not want to work with them, as coaching is an intimate business. I also don't want to put them into something that's way beyond them and end up getting a return.  Been there!  In our excitement to sell something we may put ourselves in a poor position. Don't miss the genuine part of helping someone. Be excited, have a good attitude, but pump the brakes and explore it a little further.

3. Give more then you get.  Your offer, whatever it is, has to wow this person.  If you bring someone into your business and you are not giving them tremendous value, it's not going to work.  Now there are some people who just are lazy or are takers who will not benefit from an exceptional offer because they think the world is doing things to them and their failures are everyone else's fault.  (Again, been there!)  BUT, these people are few and far between.  Most people who are looking for transformation are genuinely interested in your advice and will do the work.  These are the people that you want to bring into your business.  When you do bring someone into your business, their experience and their transformation is the most important thing.  Focus on delivering an exceptional experience.  Have care.  Have compassion and faith in the people who are coming to you for advice. Do whatever it takes to get them the support they need on their journey through their transformation. 

I hope this is helpful.

Lots of love to you today!  Please reach out to me if you have any questions or if you're interested in learning more about my programs.  You can also catch me on Instagram where I dole out free advice.  




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