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The Power of Consistency: Building Your Business and Serving Your Clients


Consistency is often hailed as the cornerstone of success in any endeavor. Whether you're building a business, nurturing relationships, or pursuing personal goals, showing up consistently is key to achieving meaningful results. In the realm of business coaching and marketing, this principle holds especially true. In this blog post, we'll explore why consistency matters, how it benefits both you and your clients, and how you can leverage it to propel your coaching business forward.

Consistency is more than just a buzzword; it's a fundamental principle that underpins progress and growth. When you consistently show up for yourself and your business, you establish trust and credibility with your audience. Your clients rely on your consistent presence and support to guide them on their journey to success. By demonstrating a commitment to your own growth and development, you inspire confidence in your clients and motivate them to do the same.

As a business coach, consistency is...

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The Marne Morning Show: How Patience & Determination Will Fuel Your Success

This morning went live on all my social accounts with "The Marne Morning Show" (Every Friday at 10am PST) and would love to share my thoughts about manifestation, hope, determination, and patience.  All of these will play a part in your success as a business owner, and conscious coach.

There have been many times in my business where I felt frustrated, anxiety, and had a general lack of faith.    It's through patience, DETERMINATION and my absolute desire to win, that have put me in the place where I'm at today.

Winning to me, means winning this game of life.  Living up to my highest and most fulfilled potential.  It means helping millions of people achieve their dreams, hopes, and desires through mindset training and digital marketing know-how.

Without patience, your mission will fizzle out.

Without determination, your dreams will not be manifested.

Challenge is upon us, constantly, and relentlessly.  It's here...

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Get Out of Despair and Into Abundance [Marne Semick Interview: Passions - Abundance]

In this interview from Elizabeth at the Passions to Abundance Summit, I talk about my pathway from ultimate despair into the abundance I enjoy today. This message applies to everyone looking to better themselves, live a happy and peaceful life, filled with prosperity.

Stepping into the best version of yourself can be done in a moment or it can be done over time. I have experienced both. In this video I talk about the 5 steps to take to getting yourself on the right path and I talk about some of the practices that I have used and still continue to use to this day to manifest what I want.

Manifesting is a miracle and anyone can do it. It just takes discipline to do the practices that will set you up for success.

Watch as I break this down for Elizabeth and have some fun while I'm at it.

If you're a coach who is looking to make the world a better place, then you might want to check out my free masterclass by going here: https://www.marnesemick.com/Masterclass 

If you want to grow...

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The Road To Success Includes Self Doubt

awake coach Nov 30, 2023

The path to success is often envisioned as a straight and unwavering road, but in reality, it's a journey marked by twists, turns, and unexpected detours. A crucial aspect of this expedition that is frequently overlooked is the presence of self-doubt. Rather than a hindrance, self-doubt can be viewed as an integral part of the road to success, a companion that, when understood and managed, can lead to greater resilience and achievement.

In our pursuit of success, we often yearn for certainty and assurance. However, the road ahead is seldom clear-cut. It's paved with uncertainties, challenges, and moments of questioning our own abilities. This self-doubt, far from being a sign of inadequacy, is a natural response to the unfamiliar terrain we navigate.

Success is not a destination but a continuous journey marked by growth and learning. Embracing the reality of self-doubt allows us to redefine success and failure. Failures become opportunities for learning and refinement, while success...

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How to Deal with Pressure and Expectations

affirmations awake coach Oct 05, 2023

If you're currently experiencing pressure and challenges in your life, take a moment to recognize that you are in the midst of a profound transformation, much like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly.

Consider all the trials and tribulations you've encountered along your journey, and yet you've not only endured but also thrived.

You are truly incredible!

Every obstacle you've overcome has brought you to this point, and the fact that you're still standing is a testament to your resilience and strength.

As you lay down to rest tonight, know that by tomorrow morning, the weight you feel will have transformed into a wellspring of power, motivation, and unwavering determination.

You are not just inspired; you are an inspiration to others.

You are more than prepared to tackle whatever challenges lie ahead.

You are an embodiment of the incredible potential that resides within every human being, and it's time to acknowledge your own achievements fully.

So, keep forging ahead with your...

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Art of Rebirth Conversations: Marne Semick & Grace Lion Hunter (full interview + behind the scenes)

awake coach interview Jul 22, 2022

Here's the transcript of this interview.

suffering state and just to experience the magic and the beauty
that is around us every day what up guys uh check out this interview this is with manny samick you're
watching on youtube subscribe music up with some we're going underground by the way these full-length
video cards will not be available in the future unless you go to wise what's up underground.com
to help out our mission vision to create a positive shift in australian youth culture through music health wisdom
go to wise serpent dream dot com catch you guys music uh wisdom wise
welcome to the art of rebirth podcast you listen to wise serpent radio um
we've got marnie samick here coming from the states she's a spiritual business coach an
empath intuitive healer life coach speaker retreat host
aspiring writer and meditation teacher she said several sexual successful
businesses over her career which ranged from digital media yoga surf camps

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Masterminds for Spiritual Entrepreneurs (The secret to helping more people)

Join a revolution; and special group of people in my Warrior Mastermind Program. This program is for the spiritual entrepreneur who wants to reach more people and build a bigger business and platform.

We go over building your digital courses, funnels, marketing automation, operating a 7 figure business, facebook ads, vision, sales, niche...an all encompassing solution to build a big business for healers and coaches.

Led by Marne Semick, a spiritual business coach with over 20 years of experiencing building and scaling businesses. Marne had her own spiritual awakening and transformed her life through deep inner work and meditation.

After her spiritual awakening, Marne built a coaching platform and now helps thousands of people build big businesses online through her masterminds and coaching programs.

The Warrior Mastermind is a mid tier program meant to help the spiritual entrepreneur bring their healing and teaching into the digital age.

To learn more about marne please watch her...

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How to stay in a flow state so you can make more money in your business

awake coach business Jul 12, 2022

You are READY to stay in flow, reflect, and pivot where necessary.  


Building a business, creating abundance, and helping a lot of people requires a lot of hard work but it also requires reflection.


If you don’t stop to observe what’s happening then you might go straight into a brick wall.


Has anyone else been here? I know I have.


Watch my tips in this video on how to build abundance for yourself and help a lot of people at the same time.


If you like this content then you might like my free masterclass which tells you how I am able to scale businesses quickly.


Here’s the link (also in bio).




#flowstate #flowstateofmind #abundance #abundancemindset #lightworker #healer #spiritualbusinesscoach

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How To Close Sales Now For Spiritual Growth (Tips from an Awake Coach)

This article and video is about how to be relentless in the pursuit of your dreams.  It also talks about why you are probably making excuses about how you can't do something and how to solve it.  

I've been closing deals and selling products and services for decades.  I can tell you after many years of doing this, the people who fail and the people who succeed have one thing in common.  

Grit and determination.

If you're making up all kinds of excuses on why you can't do something, then it will crush your spirit and also crush your bank account.  This video will shake you out of your slumber and help you understand what you need to do next.  

If you like this content, and watch to know how I scaled my business from $8.5k a month to $253k a month, then sign up for my free masterclass by going to this link: 


I also have a sales course for spiritual entrepreneurs call Spiritual Sales Academy ($111) and can be purchased...

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Sell Millions in 2022 (10 Secret Tips from Awake Sales Coach)

This video is for all my spiritual healers, coaches, mentors (see the full list below) who need a little help with the sales part of their business. THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT WORK that you need to do.


In order for the consciousness of humanity to rise, we need you to build a bigger platform and help more people. Sales from a spiritually awake coach is a new way of getting more clients in your business. It doesn't feel slimy, it is loaded with compassion and love for the other human. You can help them. So you must do the work and watch this video.  


People who are teaching or helping with the following topics:   

the collective consciousness 

personal development 

spiritual awakening 


kundalini awakening 

energy work 

chakra healing 

how to start a spiritual business 

conscious businesses 

having a purpose in business 

meaningful career  


As an energy worker, spiritual...

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