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The Power of Consistency: Building Your Business and Serving Your Clients


Consistency is often hailed as the cornerstone of success in any endeavor. Whether you're building a business, nurturing relationships, or pursuing personal goals, showing up consistently is key to achieving meaningful results. In the realm of business coaching and marketing, this principle holds especially true. In this blog post, we'll explore why consistency matters, how it benefits both you and your clients, and how you can leverage it to propel your coaching business forward.

Consistency is more than just a buzzword; it's a fundamental principle that underpins progress and growth. When you consistently show up for yourself and your business, you establish trust and credibility with your audience. Your clients rely on your consistent presence and support to guide them on their journey to success. By demonstrating a commitment to your own growth and development, you inspire confidence in your clients and motivate them to do the same.

As a business coach, consistency is...

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Unveiling the Secrets: The Top Three Truths They Don't Tell You About Starting a Spiritual Business

Are you considering starting your own spiritual business? In this eye-opening video, we delve into the lesser-known aspects of embarking on a spiritual entrepreneurship journey. Join us as we uncover the top three truths that often go unmentioned, but are vital for your success. Get ready to embrace authenticity, hard work, and the surprising power of a small audience. Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion!

Welcome back, spiritual seekers! Today, we're diving deep into the mystical world of starting a spiritual business. While many talk about the joys and rewards, there are three crucial aspects that often go unspoken. So, grab your sage smudge sticks and join us as we reveal the secrets to thriving in this realm.

Point 1: Be ready to show up authentically as yourself

Be ready to show up authentically as yourself. In the realm of spiritual entrepreneurship, embracing your true self is essential. In this segment, we'll explore the power of vulnerability, why your unique...

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Embrace Your Life's Mission: Discovering and Fulfilling Your Soul's Purpose


In a world seeking meaning and fulfillment, finding your soul's purpose can be a transformative journey. Imagine living a life aligned with your true calling, where passion and purpose intersect. In this blog article, we will embark on a soul-searching expedition, uncovering the steps to finding and fulfilling your life's mission. Get ready to embrace the adventure that awaits!

Step 1: Make a List of What Brings You Joy and Your Areas of Expertise To embark on the path of discovering your soul's purpose, start by exploring the activities and subjects that bring you immense joy. Dive into self-reflection and identify areas where you possess expertise or unique knowledge. By aligning your passions and expertise, you lay the foundation for a purpose-driven life.

Step 2: Market Test and Engage in Meaningful Conversations To gain further clarity, reach out to individuals who inspire you and exude passion in their endeavors. Engage in meaningful conversations, exploring...

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Industry Update for Spiritual Business Owners (Consciousness Rises)

Hey everyone, thanks for watching this video. My name is Marne Semick and I'm a spiritual business coach who helps spiritual people get their messages out there to the masses by teaching them how to build big businesses online.

If you like this content, please like the video and subscribe to my channel! Or share with a friend that it could help.

Why is it important now to have a spiritual business?

#1 consciousness rises, and people need support. You remember your own ascension was challenging and rocky. Now it's time for you to help other people in their own evolution.

People need you right now. Try and think of more products and services that serve humanity. Now is the time to start thinking creatively on what products and services you could provide that can help other people.

#2 Yes, it's possible to create a business out of this thing. If you think that you can't receive money for your spiritual offering, then you're in the wrong place. Money is just energy, and the more value...

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Freebie Guide | How to Build a Spiritual Business

Here are the exact steps that I took to build my spiritual coaching business from $0 to 6 figures in 7 months. This freebie guide is a great starter guide for those who are just starting out or you're billing less than $10k a month in your mentorship or coaching business.

We go over the necessary steps needed to create, sell, and build your transformational life program.

If you are not familiar with me, I'm Marne Semick, and I'm a spiritual business coach. I help wellness professionals, lightworkers, and spiritual life coaches go to market with transformational life programs. I can help you create the programs that will sell in today's market, and will also create the transformational changes that your clients are asking for.

I'll teach you how to sell that program to complete strangers, and then how to build the back end systems for scale.

To grab a PDF copy of this guide, please go to this page:


If you liked this video and want so to...

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What is your Core Message | Building a Spiritual Biz

Are you struggling with sales? Then your core messaging could be off. Watch this video to learn Marne's perspective on how your core message relates to everything else in your business.

If your core message is murky, then you probably won't be getting many sales and your revenue might be low. If you nail your core messaging and hammer it home in all your marketing, content, and products that you produce, then you'll see a lift in sales.

The core message is central to what you do. It has to be the main reason why you're starting the business in the first place. Why are you doing this? What's good will this do humanity?

If you don't have a bigger picture reason why you're doing this for the greater good, then your messaging is going to be falling flat with your audience. Making money is great, but it can't be the reason why you're starting a spiritual business.

In this session the question was "What should I post on social media." If you know what your core messaging is then you know...

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Turn monthly income into weekly income for your spiritual business

In this clip we are learning how to accelerate your income by creating automation for your spiritual business. Once you've created an offer that you can go to market with, now you need to put together a backend system that can help you manage a large scale business. In this clip we talk about the funnel and what happens when someone watches your free masterclass.

Make sure you tag your prospects, we want to know where they came from. Adding tags helps you unsubscribe and subscribe your new prospect to products and funnels.

We discuss email sequences and what to say to them after they sign up.
Step one, watch this video.
Step two, book a call with me.
Step three, follow up again.

We talk about downsells and how to do a mini course and where this is relevant.

We discuss freebie guides, 7 step process to solve a customer's problem. Take one step of this process and associate a lower price point program and solve a problem for your client.

The other pathway to get them into the free...

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Why do we need spirituality in business today?

Hey everyone, I'm Marne Semick and I'm a spiritual business coach. I believe that spirituality is becoming more prominent in business today, therefore, we need to bring more of our spirit offerings to the world.

Some indicators that spiritual businesses are on the rise:

1. The wellness market is valued at over $4.4 trillion and spirituality is a large part of that.
2. In 2020 Calm was valued at $2.2 Billion, that's a mediation app.
3. People are looking for more ways to feel better.

If you have a spiritual offering and want to make a business out of it, now is a great time to start and create a business.

I work with wellness professionals, psychics, meditation teachers, spiritual life coaches and more.

Check out my free offerings by going to this link:


Or book a call with me by going to this link:


Thanks for watching and please make sure to like and comment and subscribe!

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Live Webinar: How to Build and Scale a Healing Business

Greetings my spiritual warriors!

I'm doing a live webinar next Wed at noon PST (replay available) called How to Start & Scale a Healing Business.

This is a great one to attend if you want to start a healing business and you haven't yet, or if you're looking to exponentially scale one that you already have.

I will take questions from the audience at the end.

I am excited to bring you everything that I've learned in the last nearly two years of teaching hundreds of healers and coaches how to start and scale an ethical company.

Most lightworkers and healers believe that their healing needs to be done in a 1:1 basis. This could not be farther from the truth. Your words carry energy and meaning and when you can put together a digital course as the foundational aspect of your teaching, you can heal more people on a larger scale.

We must move away from 1:1 teaching and healing and into a digital format as the basis of our teaching. You can continue to add yourself back in for group,...

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3 Secrets These Spiritual Entrepreneurs Share (Watch and Learn)

There are some secrets that successful spiritual entrepreneurs are doing that you may not be doing. This clip is taken from Marne's mid tier Mastermind called the Warrior Mastermind. Watch as one person breaks down the clarity that he got from one of Marne's Masterminds and how it's affected his decision making moving forward.

If you're a spiritual person and have a business around helping other people or want to have a business around helping other people; then watch this clip.

In Marne's courses, we don't call it a failure, we call it a pivot. Making observations during the course of business, just like you observe your breath in meditation, can help you avoid many pitfalls that other business owners will walk right into.

Vision, Clarity, Listening, Flow State, and Pivoting when necessary is the key to any successful business or business transaction. If you're attached to the outcome, then you'll find less success.

Because you're spiritual and you know not to be attached, you are...

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