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What is your Core Message | Building a Spiritual Biz

Are you struggling with sales? Then your core messaging could be off. Watch this video to learn Marne's perspective on how your core message relates to everything else in your business.

If your core message is murky, then you probably won't be getting many sales and your revenue might be low. If you nail your core messaging and hammer it home in all your marketing, content, and products that you produce, then you'll see a lift in sales.

The core message is central to what you do. It has to be the main reason why you're starting the business in the first place. Why are you doing this? What's good will this do humanity?

If you don't have a bigger picture reason why you're doing this for the greater good, then your messaging is going to be falling flat with your audience. Making money is great, but it can't be the reason why you're starting a spiritual business.

In this session the question was "What should I post on social media." If you know what your core messaging is then you know what you want to say on social media. You also know what services and products you're bringing to the world.

Without a clear core message, you really have nothing, which is why this lesson is so important.

What is the core message of your business? I'd love to hear about it below, please do comment, like and share this video because it helps me get the word out!

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