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The Power of Consistency: Building Your Business and Serving Your Clients


Consistency is often hailed as the cornerstone of success in any endeavor. Whether you're building a business, nurturing relationships, or pursuing personal goals, showing up consistently is key to achieving meaningful results. In the realm of business coaching and marketing, this principle holds especially true. In this blog post, we'll explore why consistency matters, how it benefits both you and your clients, and how you can leverage it to propel your coaching business forward.

Consistency is more than just a buzzword; it's a fundamental principle that underpins progress and growth. When you consistently show up for yourself and your business, you establish trust and credibility with your audience. Your clients rely on your consistent presence and support to guide them on their journey to success. By demonstrating a commitment to your own growth and development, you inspire confidence in your clients and motivate them to do the same.

As a business coach, consistency is...

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Building Your Spiritual Business: Don't Make These 3 Common Mistakes

Starting a spiritual business can be a transformative journey filled with opportunities for growth and impact. However, many aspiring spiritual entrepreneurs face common pitfalls that can hinder their success. In this post, we'll explore the three worst mistakes I've observed when spiritual entrepreneurs begin their businesses, along with valuable insights to help you navigate these challenges and build a thriving venture.

Biggest mistake #1 Getting Discouraged and Walking Away

One of the most significant hurdles spiritual entrepreneurs encounter is the feeling of discouragement. Building a business takes time and effort, and it's not uncommon to face setbacks or slow progress. When things don't immediately go as planned, some entrepreneurs might feel disheartened and consider walking away from their dreams. However, it's crucial to remember that every successful entrepreneur faces obstacles. Embrace these challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, staying committed to your...

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Unveiling the Secrets: The Top Three Truths They Don't Tell You About Starting a Spiritual Business

Are you considering starting your own spiritual business? In this eye-opening video, we delve into the lesser-known aspects of embarking on a spiritual entrepreneurship journey. Join us as we uncover the top three truths that often go unmentioned, but are vital for your success. Get ready to embrace authenticity, hard work, and the surprising power of a small audience. Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion!

Welcome back, spiritual seekers! Today, we're diving deep into the mystical world of starting a spiritual business. While many talk about the joys and rewards, there are three crucial aspects that often go unspoken. So, grab your sage smudge sticks and join us as we reveal the secrets to thriving in this realm.

Point 1: Be ready to show up authentically as yourself

Be ready to show up authentically as yourself. In the realm of spiritual entrepreneurship, embracing your true self is essential. In this segment, we'll explore the power of vulnerability, why your unique...

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Unleashing Your Spiritual Wisdom: Overcoming Self-Doubt to Share Messages from Spirit

I want to dive into a topic that I believe resonates deeply with many spiritual business owners out there. It's about those magical messages from the spiritual realm that whisper in our ears, filling us with divine wisdom. You know, those intuitive insights, divine downloads, and messages from Spirit that have the power to transform lives.

However, I've noticed something fascinating. Many spiritual entrepreneurs receive these profound messages but often find themselves hesitating, doubting, and questioning their own worthiness. They possess this incredible wisdom but lack the confidence to bring it to the world, to make a real impact and uplift others. And that's what I want to address today.

In this video, we'll explore the transformative journey of stepping forward, getting out of your own way, and embracing the power of your spiritual gifts. I'll share practical tips and insights to help you overcome self-doubt, silence the inner critic, and unleash the radiant wisdom that...

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Embracing the Tequila Sunrise: A Spiritual Blend of Refreshment and Life Coaching Introduction

Finding balance and joy in life is an ongoing journey that often requires introspection, self-discovery, and a touch of inspiration. In this blog post, we explore the vibrant and refreshing world of the Tequila Sunrise cocktail and delve into how it relates to spirituality and life coaching. Beyond its delightful flavors, this iconic drink serves as a metaphor for embracing transformation, seeking inner alignment, and pursuing a life filled with purpose.

Recipe: Tequila Sunrise


  •  2 oz (60 ml) tequila
  •  4 oz (120 ml) orange juice
  •  1/2 oz (15 ml) grenadine syrup
  •  Ice cubes
  •  Orange slice and cherry (for garnish)


  1. Fill a tall glass with ice cubes.
  2. Pour the tequila into the glass, followed by the orange juice.
  3. Stir gently to combine the ingredients.
  4. Slowly pour the grenadine syrup over the back of a spoon into the glass. This will create a gradient effect as the syrup sinks to the bottom, resembling a sunrise.
  5. Garnish with an orange...
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Why You Should Create Higher Ticket Programs | Spiritual Business

Why it's important to create higher ticket programs for your spiritual business?
Are you running around doing 1:1 sessions or holding retreats. Are you emotionally or energetically tired and underpaid from this strategy? I feel you!

First, I love the work that you're doing. You're here to help other people and you're doing that really well! Are you getting someone through a transformational experience? Yes, then you should watch this video.

There's a new way of doing things. The old way is running around doing 1:1, and being underpaid for it.

My core message is this: The consciousness of humanity is rising and some people are struggling during this process. It's a rocky road for people.

Have you been there? Because I know I've been there.

The Universe is evolving in consciousness and so there's struggling in that process. People need you.

I'm a spiritual business coach who helps thought leaders, goddess embodiment coaches, tantra coaches, guides, mentors, or spiritual life coaches...

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What is your Core Message | Building a Spiritual Biz

Are you struggling with sales? Then your core messaging could be off. Watch this video to learn Marne's perspective on how your core message relates to everything else in your business.

If your core message is murky, then you probably won't be getting many sales and your revenue might be low. If you nail your core messaging and hammer it home in all your marketing, content, and products that you produce, then you'll see a lift in sales.

The core message is central to what you do. It has to be the main reason why you're starting the business in the first place. Why are you doing this? What's good will this do humanity?

If you don't have a bigger picture reason why you're doing this for the greater good, then your messaging is going to be falling flat with your audience. Making money is great, but it can't be the reason why you're starting a spiritual business.

In this session the question was "What should I post on social media." If you know what your core messaging is then you know...

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Live Webinar: How to Build and Scale a Healing Business

Greetings my spiritual warriors!

I'm doing a live webinar next Wed at noon PST (replay available) called How to Start & Scale a Healing Business.

This is a great one to attend if you want to start a healing business and you haven't yet, or if you're looking to exponentially scale one that you already have.

I will take questions from the audience at the end.

I am excited to bring you everything that I've learned in the last nearly two years of teaching hundreds of healers and coaches how to start and scale an ethical company.

Most lightworkers and healers believe that their healing needs to be done in a 1:1 basis. This could not be farther from the truth. Your words carry energy and meaning and when you can put together a digital course as the foundational aspect of your teaching, you can heal more people on a larger scale.

We must move away from 1:1 teaching and healing and into a digital format as the basis of our teaching. You can continue to add yourself back in for group,...

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3 Secrets These Spiritual Entrepreneurs Share (Watch and Learn)

There are some secrets that successful spiritual entrepreneurs are doing that you may not be doing. This clip is taken from Marne's mid tier Mastermind called the Warrior Mastermind. Watch as one person breaks down the clarity that he got from one of Marne's Masterminds and how it's affected his decision making moving forward.

If you're a spiritual person and have a business around helping other people or want to have a business around helping other people; then watch this clip.

In Marne's courses, we don't call it a failure, we call it a pivot. Making observations during the course of business, just like you observe your breath in meditation, can help you avoid many pitfalls that other business owners will walk right into.

Vision, Clarity, Listening, Flow State, and Pivoting when necessary is the key to any successful business or business transaction. If you're attached to the outcome, then you'll find less success.

Because you're spiritual and you know not to be attached, you are...

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