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Why You Should Create Higher Ticket Programs | Spiritual Business

Why it's important to create higher ticket programs for your spiritual business?
Are you running around doing 1:1 sessions or holding retreats. Are you emotionally or energetically tired and underpaid from this strategy? I feel you!

First, I love the work that you're doing. You're here to help other people and you're doing that really well! Are you getting someone through a transformational experience? Yes, then you should watch this video.

There's a new way of doing things. The old way is running around doing 1:1, and being underpaid for it.

My core message is this: The consciousness of humanity is rising and some people are struggling during this process. It's a rocky road for people.

Have you been there? Because I know I've been there.

The Universe is evolving in consciousness and so there's struggling in that process. People need you.

I'm a spiritual business coach who helps thought leaders, goddess embodiment coaches, tantra coaches, guides, mentors, or spiritual life coaches by helping them create more transformational life program.

The old way is teaching in a 1: 1 environment. The new way is creating a higher ticket life transformational program.

If you find that you're repeating yourself, then watch this video. Your message can get out there in a bigger way.

This video is for people who want to reach the masses and create a change for humanity. Here are the top tips that I mention:

#1 Make a living at it. You need to help yourself before you can help people on a bigger scale.
#2 Create a higher ticket item
#3 You cannot help people on a bigger scale if you can't take care of yourself.

Creating live changes for people is key and important. This is called the ripple effect that we want.

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If you want to find out more about the masterminds that I mentioned in my video then please go here:





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