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Replay Abundance is Your Divine Right Webinar

live workshop Oct 26, 2022

This video is the replay of a live Webinar that I did called Abundance is Your Divine Right.

I've always been fascinated about how the mind works. In this webinar, we talk about how abundance mantras and affirmations are really a game changer. I give you specific ideas and take away affirmations that have helped me create abundance in my own life.

If you want this specific list of affirmations, you can get them by going to my freebie section of my website and download the affirmations from there.

Here's the link to do that:


My name is Marne and I'm a spiritual business coach. I help normal people just like you build offerings around their spiritual passions and desire to help more people on this planet. I've helped hundreds of people grow their businesses, and give them the courage to step away from their boring day jobs into a life of prosperity, peace, joy, and abundance.

Would love to hear from you on what your practices are to manifest abundance, do you have specific practices that you use?

Some things that I've tried:
Timeline Therapy
Practicing Presence
Sessions with Healers
Plant medicine
...and more

Spiritual esoterics are some of my favorite discussions and I enjoy seeing the lightbulb go off with people. I do this for a living too...so I get paid really well to help others.

It's a wonderful way of life. I'd love to hear from you!

Comment below.



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