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Are you playing full out?

business Jul 01, 2021

I learned something about myself yesterday that I thought might help you too.

I have just come off of a Warrior Mastermind Q&A call where my Mastermind members show up and ask questions about the course material or life in general.  These conversations are often pretty juicy and are a way for us to connect on a 2 x weekly basis to talk about how our businesses are going and what we need to do to move it forward.

I know for myself, I’m constantly interested in improving my own business and life.  Today’s topic we discussed this idea of playing full out.  Recently I’ve found myself not taking action on a few simple things, and allowing that to be ok.  For example, when I’m out running or walking in the morning, I get hit with inspiration and want to film that bit and drip it out to my social media.  However, since it’s morning and I’m working out, I typically don’t have any makeup on.  I have been not recording my moment of inspiration because I am not “camera ready”.   

This was a simple recognition that I wasn’t playing full out.  I was making it about me, when my greater message is not about me, it’s about helping other people.  I was out of alignment with my higher purpose and higher self in that moment. 

In the Mastermind today we talked about surrendering…surrendering to source, surrendering to Divinity, and allowing the Divine to take care of us.  We talked about allowing knowing to become a part of our daily life and routine.  It’s like falling backwards into a black hole.  We are not sure if there’s anything there to catch us, and it’s freakin’ scary!  Every time I’ve had massive success in my life, I’ve had a knowing plus I played full out.  Every failure that I’ve had, I let anxiety, fear, and my own insecurities to call the shots.

What are some ways in your life and business where you may not be playing full out?

Each day we get to work on how we can improve ourselves and our business.  Inspiration doesn’t always hit us, but we keep coming back each day for more.  Are you playing full out each day?  What are the ways that you can surrender and come into your business every day and do all the things that are necessary for growth?  Are you aligned with your greater purpose?  Do you believe in what you’re doing?

Here are some tips that will keep you motivated to meet your business and life goals.

⭐️ Have faith that you’re on the right track.
⭐️ Take action, even when it’s scary.
⭐️ Have patience; things aren’t going to happen overnight.

💪🏻 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠. ⭐️💫 You can do hard things. And you do it gracefully, peacefully, and with loving kindness in your heart.

Thanks for reading my blog.  I love you and I want you to find the peace, happiness and success that you deserve in your life.  If you are a healer or a spiritual coach, then you might be interested in my Warrior Mastermind course, which is a yearlong program of consistent and loving support from yours truly.  We work on building your digital courses, digital products, and I’m going to teach you how to become a badass digital marketer. Please book a call with me if you’re interested in learning more by going to this link.

Love all ways,











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