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Don't Give Up

business Mar 30, 2021

Greetings Fellow Spiritual Entrepreneurs! 

Don't give up!  You'll hear me beating this drum quite a bit in my business.  Look, starting and running a business is not easy.  I have done it several times and it doesn't get any easier.  I think the challenge and uncertainty is what draws me to being an entrepreneur in the first place.  I love the game.  

Here are some things to watch out for in your business.

1. Don't energetically abandon the project.  If you lose your enthusiasm for it, it'll show in your business and will reflect when you're servicing your customers and talking to new prospects.  Most of us get a great idea, and then when we discover how hard it actually is to build it, we give up and leave it there.  Then we like to make all kinds of excuses about why it didn't work.  

2. Don't blame others for why your business isn't working.  It's not working because it's you.  I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news here.  But our life's problems tend to show up in our business.  So if we have worthiness issues (been there!) then if we make money we'll just lose it again.  The world is not doing things to you!  This is your experience!  If something isn't working then change your strategy; which brings me to point three.

3. Don't be so attached.  Look if you have enough data on an idea, a product, an approach, a brand, a vision, etc. and it's not working then it's safe to make a pivot.  Attachment is going to cause you suffering.  If something isn't working out for you; take walk.  Go outside.  Take a break.  It's all good. Come back refreshed and take another look at it objectively and ask, should I still be attached to this idea or do I need to think bigger, or differently?

Here are some DOs!

1. Do have a good attitude.  If someone doesn't buy something from you or if something doesn't go your way then don't be mad about it.  You are here to serve other people and you're going to do that with a good attitude.  "No problem!"  Or "That's ok!"  And stop taking everything so personally.  People are going to do what people are going to do and most of the time it has nothing to do with you.

2. Do create a process and specific calendar times for when you do each task.  It's hard to do all the things in the business, so it's easier when you set up a calendar for yourself and make sure you hit all the important tasks every week.  For example, prospecting is the most important task that you'll do, so make sure you fit that in each morning for 1-2 hours, without fail.  Don't chase shiney objects!

3. Collect Data.  Collecting data on your processes is going to help you make decisions from fact instead of emotion.  This one has really helped my business.  I am an empath and an emotional person in general.  So if I have a bad moment; like if someone doesn't sign up for my course, I can take this personally.  This, of course, is ridiculous.  If I look at my data, I know that I have a certain percentage of people who WITHOUT FAIL will buy something from me.  It's easy to get in our heads about these things which is why it's important to have the data to refer to. 

Finally, it's really important to have a Big Why.  It can't be: I want to help people.  Go bigger.  What makes you cry?  For me, there are polar bears swimming around without ice!  Our elderly do not have enough to eat, IN OUR OWN COUNTRY.  Children and animals being abused.  This is my BIG WHY.  It gives me the courage to get out bed every day and realize this is not about me. It gives me the courage to walk into any room and say MOVE I'VE GOT THIS. I am a leader.  I am here for a reason and a purpose.

I do my work every day to help the consciousness of humanity rise so that we can relieve the suffering for ourselves, the animals, and this planet.

Lots of love to you and thanks for reading.  For more information on my digital media courses please feel free to give me a shout and book a call




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