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Why Essentialism is so Important for an Entrepreneur

business Sep 28, 2021

Greetings Spiritual Warriors!

You made it to Friday, congratulations.  I hope you have something epic planned for the weekend.

Today I want to talk about Essentialism and how this can directly improve your life and your business.  How many of us are running around trying to do it all?  This constant craziness ends up making us feel emotionally and mentally exhausted…like we are running underwater and getting nowhere.

Essentialism is not about getting more done in less time.  It is about getting only the right things done.  There are two types of people:  Essentialists and Non-Essentialists.

A Non-Essentialist thinks:  “I can do both.” and asks, “How can I do it all?”

An Essentialist thinks: ”What is the trade-off I want to make?” and asks, “What can I go big on?”

A Non-Essentialist is typically stretched too thin, feels overworked and underutilized, and is often busy but not productive.

An Essentialist takes her time making decisions and understands the value of ”no”.  She knows she can’t do everything, and there must be a tradeoff.  She constantly is evaluating what is the best choice to move her life or business forward in a meaningful way.

I’d like for you to adopt the way of the Essentialist.   

In my Warrior Mastermind I outline in Session Seventeen: The Essentialist & Daily Operations the topmost important things you can do in your spiritually based business, and I help you prioritize them ahead of whatever else you think is important. 

If you do these things in a consistent manner, you will move your business and life forward to the goals that you outlined for yourself. 

If you continue to try and do everything and try and please everyone, you will end up broke, sad, and overworked. Don’t be this person!

You must be diligent with your No’s.  Get good at setting your boundaries and using the word no (see the video above).  I use it often with kindness and compassion.  Ask yourself this question: “Is what I’m doing right now going to produce the kinds of results that my future self needs to thrive?”  If no, then don’t do it!  It’s a non-essential activity.  Things that are essential are: moving your business forward, time with family & close friends, exercise and staying healthy. 

Make a list of all the things that you are doing during the day.  What can you cut?  Netflix (unless educational material), you can cut that one!  I understand that it’s enjoyable, but save it for the weekend.   

Your time is your most valuable resource.  Value it.  Cherish it.  Do not GIVE it away.  You may even remove people from your life who are sucking your life force. Keep your friend circle tight.  Are these people inspiring you in some way?  If they are a drain; remove them.

I know this may sound harsh and you may make some people upset but this is your life. I encourage you to look at how you’re spending your time and stop giving it away to people, things, ideas, and activities that don’t serve you.

As always, please reach out to me if you want to scale your healing business and join our amazing community of healers who are reaching and healing more of humankind through their digital courses. 

You can reach me by booking a time here.  Alternatively if you haven’t watched my FREE MASTERCLASS please do yourself a favor and watch it now!  It’s only 25 minutes and it could change your life. Keep shining your light and stay bright!

Love all ways,



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