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Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway | Building a Business

fear marketing Jan 27, 2023

Being fearless doesn't mean that you don't feel fear. Being fearless means that you feel and fear and do it anyway. Hello! My name is Marne Semick and I'm a business coach for #spiritualbusiness owners. I'm happy that you found my channel. Please like and subscribe if you like this content!

This video explains how we can use the fear to propel us forward.

1. It's normal to feel fear. We all feel it, but just know that it doesn't have to stop you in your tracks. Many people won't get what they want in life because they let the fear stop them. Just acknowledge that it's there and move through it. You must use this fear as a way to propel you forward.

2. The fear is propelling you forward, and that's a good thing. If you have the guts to be able to feel the fear and move through it anyway, then you know that it's actually propelling you into a better future. Nothing good comes from easy, so if you are challenged and you're feeling some fear, then you are putting yourself in a position to grow. Good for you! Keep going.

3. Fear can keep your expectations in check. If you feel fear about something, take a couple of steps back and analyze, without emotion, what is the worst case scenario. Maybe even write it out. If you write out your greatest fear and look at it, the likelihood of that actually coming true is low.

If you are a spiritual business owner and you want to learn how to create, sell, and build transformational life programs for your clients, then please watch my free masterclass:


Learn how to exponentially scale your income by watching this class! I have ramped up my own life and business by following these principles.

If you are looking for support with your #spiritual business then check out my masterminds by going to this link:


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