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Where do you need help in your business?

business Jul 09, 2021

Need some feedback! ✨👇🏻👇🏻

In an effort to really serve my community of spiritual healers and spiritual entrepreneurs I’m taking ideas for my next free workshop. What types of problems are you encountering in your business right now? Comment 👇🏻 and I’ll build a free workshop around that.  Or you can send me an email to [email protected] where I’ll be tallying ideas from my community.

Spiritual business owners come to me with a variety of different concerns…. some of them are:

  1. Low tech skills and need to really understand the digital marketplace and how to build and play in that space.
  2. Not sure what to build their business around. They know they want to help people but are not sure which direction to go.
  3. Lacking confidence. Many people come to me and say, well, I need to get this certification and that certification because they don’t think their powers are real.
  4. Not sure how to get strangers to buy their products and become clients.
  5. Lacking revenue in their business.
  6. Not sure how to use social media.
  7. Not sure what to say or how to say it to someone to communicate what their brand and messaging is.
  8. Getting too much information from the marketplace and aren’t sure what strategy is right.
  9. Lacking strategy and structure.
  10. Need loving support and guidance by someone who’s been there and climbed that mountain already. 

I’ve worked with a lot of people in my private practice before I realized that wasn’t scalable, so I switched to digital courses.  This is a more scalable way to reach a larger audience and heal them and provide the transformation that they desire.  I’ve worked with enough people in the healing community to know that these problems are not unique!  So, if you are on the list above, just know it’s totally normal and it probably means that you’re on the right track.  I’m sure there are some other things that you probably need assistance with; so, I want to hear from you!

My mission in life is to heal 1mm people so if I can help the healers heal more people then I can reach that goal faster.  We have about 35 people in my programs and it’s growing fast!  I’m excited to reach and heal more people.  So, let’s do this! Let me know what you need help with, and I’ll put together a freebie.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to me.  My entire reason and purpose for being on this planet is to help YOU!  So, feel free to send me an email or comment below on this blog post.  The more I understand my audience, the better that I can serve you with products and services that get you the transformation that you desire.  I’d love to host monthly free webinars so that you can get the kind of support that you’re looking for.  Remember, this is a movement!  We are here to help each other and help those that are less fortunate than us. 

Sending you massive love!


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