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How to Create Miracles

abundance Feb 15, 2021

What is a miracle?  A miracle is when a manifestation request happens nearly immediately. 

What are the components for manifesting a miracle?  Let's take a look at that.

1. First you need complete surrender.  Have you ever requested a miracle and been granted this request?  I know I have.  It could be simple or could be a life and death situation.  It's almost as if you're at your wits end and you know that YOU cannot do anything else, and it's beyond you and you need help from a "higher power".  You completely submit in that moment to something greater than yourself.

2. Your "request" quickly becomes a "command." If you need a miracle you don't have time to wait around for things to manifest at their own speed because you need it RIGHT NOW.

3. Recognition of the said miracle when it arrives does what to you?  You have complete faith in something greater than yourself.  You believe in God or the Universe or the Divine that moment. (This is called remembering, because you already know it, you just forgot.)

4. Celebration happens after you get the miracle.  Sending more positive vibes into the Universe is a reassurance that you recognize and celebrate this beautiful magical living force all around us.

Most of us go around grumbling, wondering why other people can manifest miracles and we cannot.  It's kind of funny really, because you can manifest miracles too, maybe little tiny baby ones, but that's how you create a cycle of manifesting what you want and speed up things in your favor.  Start to practice the surrender, command, have faith, believe, and celebrate.  If you continue this cycle then your miracle muscle will continue to get stronger and stronger until you become really good at it. Start to look for the tiny miracles that you are getting to help you understand that you can do it too.

Try it,



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