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How to get more clients

business Oct 07, 2021

Greetings Warriors!

I wanted to write this blog post for all my healers, spiritual entrepreneurs, coaches, or wellness guides who want to help more people and build abundance and consistency in their businesses. 

Learn how to be the boss, amp it up, earn more, and help humankind at the same time.  Does relying on word of mouth and referrals to get clients create stress?  Discover how other spiritual entrepreneurs are feeling good about what they provide and understand how they are selling it to many clients.  

Get confidence around sales, tech, and social media.

 >>>>>>  Here’s some sobering advice  <<<<<<<

Hi, my name is Marne Semick and I’m a spiritual business coach who helped 50 people (spiritual healers and coaches) grow their businesses within my Mastermind in just a few short months.  I’ve also started many businesses in my life, one of them was a digital media agency which earned double digits followed by six more zeros. Read that last sentence again. 

I now work with spiritual healers and wellness professionals and nearly every single one has confidence issues around what they charge.  Many are unsure of what to offer and how to price it so they end up making just enough to pay their bills...and they have no sense of peace.

My business experience and highly empathic nature helps me work with my clients to develop vision, get started in the digital world, and sign up more clients.

After working with a bunch of healers, coaches, and wellness professionals; I can speak about three glaring and widespread problems.  Maybe some of these are relatable:

#1 Low-priced services

Most spiritual coaches and guides are giving away their goodness for free, or worse, are bartering for their services.  This is a terrific way to make cash flow non-existent.  To professionalize the industry we must stop doing this right away.

#2 No predictable way to generate new business

Praying and hoping to magically manifest new clients is not a predictable system.  One needs to take action to get results. Many rely on the first part of the manifestation process, which is prayer and meditation.  A plan is required with this manifestation can attach itself to...this is the other half of manifesting.  

Most healers and coaches have no plan; and no clue how to get strangers to buy their products….which is why their businesses are suffering.

#3 Fear of “selling” 

Aversion to selling things is the first issue I see.  Many undervalue their service and feel bad about asking for their fee in exchange.  

Some don’t know what to say, how to price their services, nor understand the value they provide.  There is a new breed of healers emerging who do know and they are signing up clients quickly, earning a generous living, and are having fun doing it.  It’s possible to win, learn how to create a digital business, and work remotely from any location.

To be a professional healer, coach, or mentor one must have a proven rinse and repeat process to generate new business.  A solid system can create more space to heal others, have time freedom, feel joy, and explore connection to source.

These three mistakes are common.  Confession time.  When I first started my consulting business; I got some bad advice and started taking 1:1 clients.  Although I was feasting, boy what a mistake that was!  (And don’t get me started on bad business coaches.  Many are as flakey as a pie crust.  I can affirm I am reliable, stable, and consistent.)

Having a lot of clients is great but 1:1 coaching is not scalable..  There is a better way and I have to share what I have learned.

The truth is if just one of these mistakes is made then the business has less than 6 months before it gets wiped out.  The world is changing and having a digital presence is not only needed but it’s vital to be able to function as a professional healer or coach. 

Learn these new skills, create a sense of ease, and don’t take that part time job!  There is an abundant side of the healing world and I’d like to share how it is done.

I have good news!

I just put together a free training program which shows exactly how I started my consulting business for spiritual entrepreneurs and grew it rapidly in just a few short months. 

Here’s what to be discovered: 

  • How to build a digital healing business & high priced programs from scratch, even with no tech skills.
  • My proven and predictable method for generating more clients.
  • How to stop low wage 1:1 healing sessions in order to heal more people and make a bigger living.

This free training has taken many of my clients from 2-3k/month to 5-10k in a few short weeks and has the potential to do the same for anyone reading this. This will teach coaches, healers, and spiritual entrepreneurs how to amp up their sales superpowers and build a digital asset.  

Warning: This training isn’t for everyone!  This is for high vibe, excellent professionals who are already making at least 2-3k a month.  It’s for people who have a business in place and are providing their clients a transformation.   If yes, then this is a great next step!

Register here for free: https://www.marnesemick.com/Masterclass

As the consciousness of humanity rises, we will need to celebrate and rise up too.  In order to serve more humankind; healers and coaches will need to learn new skills or get left behind.  If nothing is done about it; please remember that in 6 months’ time the part time job will be waiting.

Here’s the link again: https://www.marnesemick.com/Masterclass 

Thanks for reading and I hope this has been helpful!



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