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How to get rid of the invisible wall that prevents you from achieving greatness!

abundance Aug 01, 2022

🌟 Wisdom Bomb 🌟 drop me a 💖 if this one lands. 👇🏻

Growing a business is hard! I’ve done it several times and part of the game is to look at yourself and grow through challenge.  Challenge is inevitable.  There's no way that things will go perfectly for you.  You will encounter challenges.  It's your perception of the challenge that will either make or break your ability to get through that challenge.

In my world, we call it a pivot, not a failure.  

We don’t have business problems; we have personal problems that reflect in our business.

If you're looking to scale your healing or coaching business online and grow it so you can reach more people, you meet challenge.  Not only can I teach you how to create a good vision, sales strategy, funnel, advanced marketing automation, but we need to look at how you are perceiving the world.   

When I started coaching I truly thought it would be about digital media marketing. While that is what I do…I can tell you which buttons to push and how to set up systems…

The overwhelming issue that SO MANY PEOPLE are challenged by is money trauma.

Have you ever felt any of these before?

✅ Unworthy
✅ An imposture
✅ Not Enough (fill in your favorite issue here)

👆All of this things are preventing you from making more money right now.  You must realize that everyone feels this at some point in their life.  All humans experience not being good enough.  But you can't sit and wallow in it.  You must continue forward and know that you are providing a great solution to help others transcend into the greatest versions of themselves.  

Are you creating a transformation experience for someone?  if yes, then you can feel confident that you're providing huge value.  Keep doing it and do more if it. This will help you gain confidence. 

Building a business will help you move through your mind-made limits; and that is what this video is about.

Watch and tell me if it’s helpful?

Link in bio to learn how I scaled so quickly (hint: addressing my unworthiness issues)



#lightworker💫 #lightworkers #chakrabalancing #spiritualhealer #spiritualbusiness #moneytrauma #moneytraumahealing #wisdom #abundance

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