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Balancing Authenticity and Growth: Creating Content You Love for Business Success

social media marketing Oct 06, 2023

In short, I think it's more important to create content for your business that you find enjoyable. Otherwise it's not sustainable. Give your audience what they resonate with...more of what they resonate with.

The most important thing is bringing more eyeballs to your business. Doesn't mean that you have to compromise your values or do something that isn't natural to you. I love being funny and doing voice-overs.

I'm good at it and I enjoy the process of mimicking another human. I also love speaking my truth, and truth-telling what's in my soul.

I think it's about finding the correct balance for you. So mix it up...if you're funny then put out more content that's funny.

If you do great educational content, and people are watching it, then create more of that.
At the end of the day it's about more eyeballs to your business so you can drive leads into your funnel and help more people.

Finding Your Content Balance: Sustainability and Growth in Business

In the world of content creation for your business, it's easy to get swept away by trends and popular strategies. But here's a secret that's often overlooked: the most crucial element is your enjoyment. Yes, that's right! Creating content that genuinely resonates with you is the key to long-term sustainability.

Think about it - if you don't enjoy the content you're producing, it's going to be challenging to keep up with it. Sustainability is about consistently delivering content that you're passionate about. So, why not give your audience more of what you love?

Bringing More Eyeballs to Your Business

Now, let's talk about the essential factor: visibility. Bringing more eyeballs to your business is crucial for growth. But here's the thing - it doesn't mean you have to compromise your values or do something that feels unnatural to you.

For instance, if you love being funny and doing voice-overs (which, by the way, you're excellent at), go ahead and incorporate that into your content. Enjoy the process of mimicking another human and making your audience laugh. Authenticity shines through, and it's something your viewers will appreciate.

Speaking Your Truth: Soulful Content

On the flip side, if you're passionate about speaking your truth and delving into the depths of your soul, that's equally valuable. Authenticity isn't limited to humor; it encompasses expressing your genuine self, whatever that may be.

The key is finding the right balance for you. Mixing it up can work wonders. If you're naturally funny, integrate humor into your content. If you excel at educational content and your audience resonates with it, create more of that.

Driving Leads and Helping More People

At the end of the day, it's about expanding your reach and attracting more people to your business. By creating content that resonates with you, you'll attract an audience that genuinely connects with your message. These are the people who will ultimately become your loyal followers and potential clients.

So, whether it's humor, education, or your unique blend of both, the goal remains the same: more eyeballs on your business. This increased visibility will help you drive leads into your sales funnel and, most importantly, enable you to make a more significant impact and help more people.

Ready to Learn More?

If you're intrigued by the idea of growing your business while staying true to your authentic self, I've got something for you - a FREE COURSE that delves deeper into how to create and scale a successful business online. It's a fantastic resource to help you strike that perfect balance and reach new heights in your entrepreneurial journey.

Take the next step and explore my FREE COURSE to discover how you can create content you love, attract your ideal audience, and build a thriving online business.

If you're interested in learning more about how to create a scale a business online:


Hope this is helpful today!



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