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Signs You Take Things Too Personally (and how to find balance)

mindset Dec 15, 2023

It's super easy to take things too personally. I know because I've lived this my entire life. I'm guessing you're a sensitive Being, like me, and so today I hope to share some wisdom with you on how to find a little balance in life or when you're building your conscious coaching business.

It's always a pleasure to share insights and wisdom on this incredible journey of personal and professional growth. Today, I want to dive into a topic that we all grapple with at some point – taking things too personally.

As a 52-year-old business coach who specializes in helping conscious coaches build their online presence, I've seen firsthand how easy it is to let things get under our skin. The path of empathy and deep connection can sometimes lead us to internalize every external comment, feedback, or situation. So, let's explore the signs that you might be taking things too personally and discover how to find a harmonious balance.

Sign #1: Overreacting to Feedback:
One of the telltale signs of taking things too personally is the tendency to overreact to feedback, especially the constructive kind. While feedback is crucial for growth, when you find yourself feeling hurt or defensive at every suggestion, it might be time to pause and reflect.

Sign #2: Assuming It's About You:
We often fall into the trap of assuming that every remark or action of others is directed at us personally. Whether it's a colleague's offhand comment or a client's decision, we internalize it as a reflection of our worth. But remember, not everything is about you.

Sign #3: All-or-Nothing Thinking:
Do you often find yourself in the extremes of thinking? Either you're on top of the world when things go well, or you're plunged into despair when they don't. This all-or-nothing thinking can be a sign that you're not observing your feelings but letting them dictate your perception.

The Power of Feeling and Observing:
Now, let's talk about a more balanced approach. Feeling things deeply is a gift. It's what makes us compassionate and understanding coaches. However, it's crucial to learn how to feel those emotions without immediately internalizing them. When you encounter a situation that triggers a personal response, allow yourself to feel the emotion, but then take a step back and observe it.

Is It True? Is It Helpful?
When you find yourself taking something personally, ask yourself two essential questions: Is it true? Is it helpful? These questions can serve as a reality check. Is the comment or situation an accurate reflection of your abilities, or is it a projection of someone else's emotions? And more importantly, is dwelling on it helpful for your growth and well-being?

Finding Balance:
Balancing deep empathy with a healthy detachment from external events is a continuous practice. It involves acknowledging your emotions without immediately attaching your identity to them. It's about understanding that you are not defined by external validation or criticism. By feeling and observing, you can maintain your compassionate nature while protecting your emotional well-being.

As conscious coaches, we are on a remarkable journey of self-discovery and helping others. Remember that taking things too personally is a common challenge, but it doesn't have to define your path. Feel the feelings, observe them, and ask yourself if they serve your growth and purpose. Finding that balance will not only empower you as a coach but also enhance your personal well-being.

Thank you for joining me today, and I look forward to our continued growth together.

If you're a conscious coach and you want to grow your business online, then check out my free training located here: https://www.marnesemick.com/Masterclass 

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