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How to Build a Killer Landing Page

business May 04, 2021
Ok!  Listen up!  Huge lesson today in landing pages, funnels and all things digital sales. 
There are several different types of landing pages and funnels when it comes to digital marketing.  I'm going to break it down for you so that you can understand the most important ones.  I'm sure other people may call these funnels different things, and that's ok.  I'm going to teach you what I know!
What's a funnel?  In general a funnel is a pipeline or way to get a customer from being a stranger into being a paid customer.  We call the pathway that they go along in the digital and sales process, a "funnel".   Ideally, we want to get customers to the end goal (the sale) as quickly as possible.  But, customers are finicky and we need to be aware of what their mindset is when they clicked on your ad and what we show them next. 
A Landing Page is the page that the person "lands" on after taking some action before that, like clicking on one of your ads. 
Landing Pages: 
1. Informational Page/Website Page (see video tutorial above): This is how we want to set up our website so that when someone randomly finds us, they can learn more about our products and services.  These aren't really funnels per se, although on my website, I drive everyone to a "Book A Call" Button with me.  So in that sense, it is a funnel.
2. Sales Page: Sales Pages need to do a bit more heavy lifting because the customer has landed here from some previous pitch, like an ad or an organic call to action from one of your organic posts.  The sales page is meant to do more explaining about what the product is and in some cases can be a replacement for the actual phone call.
1. Video Sales Letter (VSL): A video sales letter is a video presentation of you and possibly a presentation (like powerpoint) where you are informing your customer about a problem and providing taking a call with you as a possible solution.  This video has about a 20-30 minute video on it with little or no other information, and drives the customer to book a call with you.
2. Just In Time (JIT): This funnel is a longer version and does more than the VSL. The customer has the opportunity to "sign up" for your pre-recorded webinar in 30 minute increments.  It's about a 45 minute video presentation but the video cannot be stopped or paused, you have to watch it all the way through.  At the end the customer is again asked to book a call to talk to a human.  Since it's a bigger ask (watching the entire video with no pause button, and making them wait to see the next webinar), the quality of the customer tends to be higher because they are more committed.    
3. Automated Sales:  This funnel is for experts only and is meant to replace the human and the phone call with videos, sales expertise on the landing page and a checkout page so that the customer can transact without talking to a person.  This takes a lot of work and data to be able to build a sophisticated enough funnel to be able to get to the customer to transact without a human (on a high price point product like one of your courses). So don't attempt this one until you have a proven system in place and loads of data that support you have your process and product nailed and that you are meeting or beating KPI's.
Pro Tip: People need to see ads about 13 times before they actually become aware of what you're selling.  A good landing page or funnel will help them get over the hump.
This is where they gain more information and is the place when they are confirming the sale in their minds before they take the action with you.  
Here are some things that you need to make sure you're clearly communicating on each page, regardless of the type.
  • Position yourself as an expert!
  • Why? Why you over someone else?
  • Why are you right for this Job?
  • Why should they spend their hard earned money on your product or course?
  • Solid pictures are good but videos are better.
  • You'll need more than one picture.
  • People are busy, you have to serve the information in digestible bits, like blocked text.
  • Make messaging stand out.
  • Slash out pricing, so they see they are getting a deal.
  • Tell them the deal (but leave out price if you're driving to a call).
  • Tell them exactly what they are going to get.

Those are the basics.  As always, please reach out to me if you'd like to learn more about my digital courses and programs.  In my courses we go over funnel and landing page strategy as well how how to get complete strangers to buy your products through both organic and paid methods.  Sure would love to see you in an upcoming webinar!

If you want to book a call with me, please click this link.  In our call together I will ask you questions about your business to determine if you have a problem that I can solve.  I would be happy to have a strategy session with you and get to know you better!  Thanks for being a loyal fan.

Lots of love to you,



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