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Mai's Testimonial & Client Highlight

testimonial May 20, 2021

The most enjoyable part of my work are the soulful connections I am privileged to make with my clients.   

Mai came to me with little technical skills and within the first few weeks of working together she amazed me with her determination to create her first digital course. She is in process of building her digital course and already has three clients signed up for the course in a few short weeks!

Mai and I first met each other in our yoga studio and we instantly hit it off.  We would pass each other (her after class, and me right before my class) and we would chat for a minute or so.  I could tell she was a special soul and a kindhearted person. 

When I started my spiritual business coaching, I thought of Mai and wanted to work with her.  So I kept sending her messages over Instagram because I was 100% certain that I could help her build her business.  Then one day, it was right for her, she said yes, and she came into my course. 

I love her 7 minute testimonial (above) because it is so heartfelt and explains her experience of not being sure and then being totally glad for saying yes and coming on board with me.  She is a perfect case study. 

So many people think that they have to just get by and then when they realize they can heal so many more people and make a lot more money they are so grateful! 

This could be you! Most of us go through life and think that we cannot achieve our goals, but we most certainly can!  It just takes a little vision and inspiration and then the strategy and structure to make it happen.

Most of my clients who come to me have some really good ideas about how they can heal the world and help more people, but they don’t know how to initiate it or create the structure for an actual business. 

I’ve been creating businesses from scratch for a long time and am lucky and grateful to understand the basic formulation for a successful company.  Plus, I’ve worked for many other companies in the technology and software sector and I can also recognize when something isn’t going to work.  My two decades of being in business has served me very well and is the basic formation for what I teach. 

I love Mai dearly and I'm pretty sure she's going to be the next Marie Kondo!  I'm so excited for Mai!  Please follow her on IG at @maiserenityspace and if you need some organizing (both spiritually and household) then please contact her!  She can be reached by going to her website: CLICK HERE.

I'm so lucky to be working with such an amazing human!

Thank you for being you Mai and for being an awesome client!

If you want to learn more about how I can help you as a spiritual business owner; please CLICK HERE to book a call with me.




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