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Client Testimonial and Case Study- Martial Champagne

testimonial Sep 06, 2022

"Just wanted to give a powerful testimonial for Marne.  She accepted me in her program and I'm so grateful.  I learned a lot from the videos and the digital course and also I learn a lot from the 2 x week question and answer calls that she holds. I learn from other people who are ahead of me in the program.  I see my life transforming and see it every single day because of this program. It's a transformative journey and I am 53 and I waited so long.  I never really dared to teach it and coach people and share it.  I'm doing it and I'm building it right now.  She gave me the confidence to do it. 

All of my life I will carry it within my heart.  Thank you Marne"

Martial came into my Conscious Wealth Building for the Spiritual Warrior Program with a concept of how he wanted to create a life coaching business for French speaking people.  He had a day job that he wanted to step away from so he could create more meaningful connection with...

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#1 Tip for Creating A Great Healing Business - CASE STUDY

testimonial Jun 28, 2022

Angelina talks about how taking Marne's courses have been fun and are easy to follow. She also talks about her experience with Marne and what it's like working with an awake business coach who feels her. You can learn more about Marne by going watching her free masterclass by going here: https://www.marnesemick.com/Masterclass Or to www.marnesemick.com or following her on Instagram @marnesemick

Marne helps healers heal their old money trauma so they can heal more people.  

If you're working in the following niches, this article and video is for you:

  •  the collective consciousness
  •  personal development
  •  spiritual awakening
  •  enlightenment
  •  kundalini awakening
  •  energy work
  •  chakra healing
  •  how to start a spiritual business
  •  conscious businesses
  •  having a purpose in business
  •  meaningful career

As an energy worker, spiritual coach, a lightworker or a shaman (doesn’t matter what your guiding role is), your main duty...

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Therapy vs Plant Medicine (Which Works Best for Spiritual Awakening?)

Do you need plant medicine in order to have a quick spiritual awakening? It it better to do it naturally without anything at all? Is it even possible to get to higher states of consciousness with or without plant medicine?

What happens when there is not proper integration after a plant medicine ceremony?

These are all topics that Chris and I address and discuss.  

Marne Semick is a spiritual business coach who helps other lightworkers and healers build and scale their businesses so they can reach more people in order to serve humanity.

If you have interest in building up your healing business then please watch my free masterclass for spiritual business owners here:   


It'll help you understand how to go from $0 in revenue to over $100k a month in revenue with your healing or spiritual coaching business.

People need you! Jump in and help humanity with your special skills and talents.  

Chris is a client of...

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My interview with Rachel Krause, Mentor and Activation Coach

interview testimonial Nov 04, 2021

Hey Spiritual Warriors!  In this video Rachel & I discuss burnout and how she was able to recover from it to go on and help others!

Rachel came to me in the middle of severe corporate burnout.  She knew her life's purpose and calling was not in operations for a software company...but rather she is here to help others transcend out of their own trauma and suffering. 

Rachel helps people alchemize their pain, connect to their true identity, and move into the driver’s seat of life.  She's developed a program called The Conscious Living Activation Series.  

As an intuitive healer and empath, she's able to observe, feel, connect - then help her clients tap into hidden truth which activates their own insight and healing process.

As the consciousness of humanity rises, people are struggling and need support FROM PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOU.  If you're like Rachel and you want to get in and help; you may want to...

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My Interview with Kiya Knight - Founder of Air Bar Fit

body business testimonial Sep 06, 2021


Kiya is a spiritual entrepreneur who is currently in my Warrior Mastermind program.  She relentlessly pursues excellence, and I love working with Kiya for her fire and determination.  

Kiya is a Sport Scientist & Certified Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor + Nutritionist ACE.  She is also also a "wizard" of personal transformation.

For 19 years she's been creating a career in Outdoor Adventure Fitness Training globally because she understands that adventure = lust for life and that means some seriously kick ass motivation to accomplish your big, wild, awesome dreams.

She shows up for her clients as their enthusiastic fan and she lives to see them RISE ABOVE + RELEASE all that keeps them feeling and looking heavy: Body, Heart, Mind & Soul.

She has worked with some top companies in wellness tourism like: Bikini Bootcamp, Escape To Shape, Fab Fit Travel and Fit & Fly...

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Meet Melissa Jean + Friends - Client Testimonial

testimonial Aug 24, 2021

When Melissa first came to me with her healing with horses program I thought “Oh this will be interesting! How are we going to digitize being present with a horse?!”

One of the glaring issues with Melissa is that she was severely undercharging for her services.  This is actually pretty common with us healers.  Most times we don’t really understand that value that we’re providing so we either give it away, barter for it, or charge a really low rate. 

When Melissa came into my Warrior Mastermind program it’s the first issue that we addressed. It took some convincing but she finally was on board with raising her rates and creating a program which can heal many people.  “Well yeah!” I would say; “It’s you AND the horse of course you both should be getting paid well for this Melissa!”

Another thing we addressed is that many healers think that they have to be present and in person to heal another person...

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Meet Kinga Papp – Client Highlight and Testimonial

business testimonial Jul 13, 2021

If you already have a thriving clinical practice, watch this!

Kinga was looking for a business coach who saw her and could bring forth her unique talents and gifts.  Since I am an off-the-charts empath; we connected easily. I could see her true potential, talk to her highest self, and reflect it back to her.  She has such an extraordinary gift to give to the world, and I wanted to help her to expand her business so she could reach more women and heal them.  The way we do that is through expanding our digital presence.

She has been in clinical practice for 15 years, so she already had a thriving business, but she wanted to gain more time freedom for herself through digital course creation.  

Kinga is in my Warrior Mastermind, and we are working closely together every day.  Because I see her and understand her, she’s able to develop her products and brand strategy quickly. 

Not only did we rework her programs, but we...

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Matt Wood - Client Testimonial and Highlight

testimonial May 28, 2021

Matt came to me a few months ago in the middle of a crisis in his life.  He wanted to get his coaching business off the ground but he was dealing with a severe breakup so he was having a hard time focusing on how to put together his programs and what to do next. 

He joined my Warrior Mastermind program and we worked together for a bit in the course as well as privately.   Every time we would do a 1:1 session he would drop absolute gold on me around love, the heart and healing from breakup.  I was blown away by the fluidity of the language and the poetic way he would deliver his concepts to me.  I thought, wow, this guy is really special.  I kept pointing it out to him, “Matt, you have an amazing gift to be able to help women and heal them from what you’ve been through.“

I could see it in his eyes that he knew it was the truth too, but he was at an all-time low (been there!) and he was having a hard time believing in the vision...

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Mai's Testimonial & Client Highlight

testimonial May 20, 2021

The most enjoyable part of my work are the soulful connections I am privileged to make with my clients.   

Mai came to me with little technical skills and within the first few weeks of working together she amazed me with her determination to create her first digital course. She is in process of building her digital course and already has three clients signed up for the course in a few short weeks!

Mai and I first met each other in our yoga studio and we instantly hit it off.  We would pass each other (her after class, and me right before my class) and we would chat for a minute or so.  I could tell she was a special soul and a kindhearted person. 

When I started my spiritual business coaching, I thought of Mai and wanted to work with her.  So I kept sending her messages over Instagram because I was 100% certain that I could help her build her business.  Then one day, it was right for her, she said yes, and she came into my course. 


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