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My Interview with Kiya Knight - Founder of Air Bar Fit

body business testimonial Sep 06, 2021


Kiya is a spiritual entrepreneur who is currently in my Warrior Mastermind program.  She relentlessly pursues excellence, and I love working with Kiya for her fire and determination.  

Kiya is a Sport Scientist & Certified Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor + Nutritionist ACE.  She is also also a "wizard" of personal transformation.

For 19 years she's been creating a career in Outdoor Adventure Fitness Training globally because she understands that adventure = lust for life and that means some seriously kick ass motivation to accomplish your big, wild, awesome dreams.

She shows up for her clients as their enthusiastic fan and she lives to see them RISE ABOVE + RELEASE all that keeps them feeling and looking heavy: Body, Heart, Mind & Soul.

She has worked with some top companies in wellness tourism like: Bikini Bootcamp, Escape To Shape, Fab Fit Travel and Fit & Fly Girl and is the founder of AIR Bar Fitness + creator of Active Internal Resistance Training. 

More words from Kiya: 

"We're all born with innate skills and one of mine is understanding people's emotions (energy in motion) without having to use a lot of words.

I know, because I feel + intuit a client's potential based on their emotional experiences and their energetic bandwidth.

Personal Training has always been a fit because I can feel people's deepest desires and wildest dreams.

Sometimes even before they do.

I  see + believe in the versions of YOU that you may have forgot even exist or just haven't discovered, yet. 

I've spent years studying "best" healthy lifestyle practices because I always believed I was more than the world taught me to think I am.

Now it's time to show you how I creatively "break the rules". 

Life seems like a game sometimes, that's what makes it fun.

Especially when you feel light enough to experience genuine play. 

I've crafted an unusual career teaching my clients how to "play" outside and explore the Natural World because I know the importance of recess for optimum mental & physical wellness.

For every problem there is solution, but in order to get there you need a proven formula.

Here are a few of my favorite equations to create movement magic in your life: 

Know yourself = Trust yourself

That's the formula for intuition and it works like a super power to transform any difficult situation you may face. 

Resistance + Release = FLOW

 This is a formula for becoming a magnetic human so you can start attracting and stop chasing what you really want. 

 You need to know how to work with both positive and negative energies to create change. 

When I can't move, it's usually because I'm trying NOT to feel something and the pressure of faking it is causing energetic build up in my body that feels like anxiety + depression.

Over time repressed emotions can naturally erupt causing chaos in your life and relationships, especially your relationship w/ yourself.

"Letting go" means going through "it" and being really honest about what you feel, all the way to the other side.

That's how natural healing works.

That's when you experience epic transformation, cultivate a huge amount of life force energy and take back your power. 

Learning + Experience = Knowledge 

If you really want to know yourself on a deep soul level you need to do more than read books.

You must have a body rocking, soul stirring experience that causes a chemical chain reaction in your body that leads to the creation of true self love. 

Support = Success

We become the 5 people we hang out with the most so choose your team wisely because your life and happiness depend on it."

I hope you enjoy our interview together! If you want to learn more about Kiya and her programs, please visit her at:  

https://www.airbarfit.com/ or on Instagram at  https://www.instagram.com/kiyaknight/ 

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