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Client Testimonial and Case Study- Martial Champagne

testimonial Sep 06, 2022

"Just wanted to give a powerful testimonial for Marne.  She accepted me in her program and I'm so grateful.  I learned a lot from the videos and the digital course and also I learn a lot from the 2 x week question and answer calls that she holds. I learn from other people who are ahead of me in the program.  I see my life transforming and see it every single day because of this program. It's a transformative journey and I am 53 and I waited so long.  I never really dared to teach it and coach people and share it.  I'm doing it and I'm building it right now.  She gave me the confidence to do it. 

All of my life I will carry it within my heart.  Thank you Marne"

Martial came into my Conscious Wealth Building for the Spiritual Warrior Program with a concept of how he wanted to create a life coaching business for French speaking people.  He had a day job that he wanted to step away from so he could create more meaningful connection with others and serve in a bigger way.

It's not uncommon for me to take people into my program who have careers doing other things.  They know that they just want to learn the strategy to get a spiritual coaching business off the ground and creating abundance for them. 

Martial has come to nearly every Q&A call and I love his commitment and determination.  He will evolve into a well known coach and he will serve a lot of people.

If you have interest in joining a Mastermind for spiritual entrepreneurs, please book a call with me by going to this link: BOOK A CALL WITH MARNE

Lots of love and prosperity to you!




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