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Meet Kinga Papp – Client Highlight and Testimonial

business testimonial Jul 13, 2021

If you already have a thriving clinical practice, watch this!

Kinga was looking for a business coach who saw her and could bring forth her unique talents and gifts.  Since I am an off-the-charts empath; we connected easily. I could see her true potential, talk to her highest self, and reflect it back to her.  She has such an extraordinary gift to give to the world, and I wanted to help her to expand her business so she could reach more women and heal them.  The way we do that is through expanding our digital presence.

She has been in clinical practice for 15 years, so she already had a thriving business, but she wanted to gain more time freedom for herself through digital course creation.  

Kinga is in my Warrior Mastermind, and we are working closely together every day.  Because I see her and understand her, she’s able to develop her products and brand strategy quickly. 

Not only did we rework her programs, but we continually work on wording for products and services.   We are positioning her and her products as one of the best in the marketplace.  We dig into the nitty gritty details!  I love it and she is open to my feedback, which makes the entire process that much easier. 

I don’t claim to be an expert at what my clients do!  But I am an expert when it comes to the digital landscape, sales, word mastery and THE SPIN! 

One the special skills and talents I can pass along to my clients is understanding how people react to what you’re presenting to them.  In my more than two decades of sales, I have an ability know what hits and what doesn’t.  I know how to get people interested in your services.  Kinga has been very open to letting me work on both big picture strategy and the minute details with her.  From that she’s completely transformed her business!

I like to have fun with my clients in our private sessions.  Kinga and I did a few brainstorming sessions where we were channeling amazing ideas!  Since we are both of high vibration, we tend to create and tap into the greatest potential for her and the outcome is a quick acceleration forward.

Here are my top three tips when you’re looking to hire a coach. 

  1. Make sure you connect with your coach. If you don’t vibrate at the same level, it’s going to be uncomfortable for one of you.  Look, I’ve been there!  I’ve brought people into my experience who were closed, resentful, and resistant.  These qualities will not create magic.  They will just make your coach uncomfortable.  It’s a process of surrender.  Are you coachable?
  2. Don’t judge program by the price! If you are going to choose your coach based on price, you’re looking through the wrong end of the telescope. What you should worry about is not the price you pay for your coach’s service but the selling power of your business after you go through the course or the experience.
  3. What experience does your coach have in the area of which you wish to excel? Are they doing that thing?  Do they play at a level that is where you want to be?

If you already have a business and want to expand into the digital space, watch this testimonial.  If Kinga can do it so, can you! 

Please get to know Kinga better by following her on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/kingawomencoaching/ or by visiting her website by going to: https://kingapapp.com/.  She’s got an amazing program called The Soul of the Feminine and you should find out more if you’re looking to embody your inner goddess!

Thanks so much for reading. 



PS. If you want to book some time with me to chat about how I might be able to help you in your business, just click this link to book a call.  

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