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Meet Melissa Jean + Friends - Client Testimonial

testimonial Aug 24, 2021

When Melissa first came to me with her healing with horses program I thought “Oh this will be interesting! How are we going to digitize being present with a horse?!”

One of the glaring issues with Melissa is that she was severely undercharging for her services.  This is actually pretty common with us healers.  Most times we don’t really understand that value that we’re providing so we either give it away, barter for it, or charge a really low rate. 

When Melissa came into my Warrior Mastermind program it’s the first issue that we addressed. It took some convincing but she finally was on board with raising her rates and creating a program which can heal many people.  “Well yeah!” I would say; “It’s you AND the horse of course you both should be getting paid well for this Melissa!”

Another thing we addressed is that many healers think that they have to be present and in person to heal another person and in some cases that’s true.  In some cases you can create a program which combines healing modalities when you’re present (in person or over Zoom) and when you’re not present (digital course). 

We figured out the right combination for Melissa that met her needs as a healer as well as can help get someone through a transformation.

I am amazed and astounded at what IG @melissajeanpt has put together in less than a month. She came into my program with complete surrender. She shows up, works hard, does all the things, and listens. Together we are on a mission to bring this healing modality to the masses which will benefit not only humans but also the horses.

Within a short period of time she has launched her programs, filled them up, and is living her true joy by serving in this way. And she makes more money but that goes without saying.

Please check out her work and her programs!  You can find out more about here by going here: https://melissajeanpt.mykajabi.com/about 

Melissa has been a physical therapist the last 19 years, focusing her career on partnering with horses to improve the lives of others. She hold certifications with:

  • American Hippotherapy Association
  • PATH, Intl'

In addition to those certifications, she's also a Reiki and Trauma informed stretching practitioner. 

If you are trying to be the best version of yourself, improve your intuition, heal from past events, clear blockages, etc. you can do it with the help of the horse. And Melissa can help you along the way!

Thanks for the awesome testimonial too Melissa I appreciate you!  If Melissa can figure out a way to bring her unique healing gifts to the world so can you!  If you are interested in learning more about my programs, please just book a call with me by going to the front page of my site and clicking the Masterclass video or the Book A Call Button.  Or you can send me an email or reach out to me over social media.  There are many ways to get in touch with me to learn about my programs and how it may benefit you.




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