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Matt Wood - Client Testimonial and Highlight

testimonial May 28, 2021

Matt came to me a few months ago in the middle of a crisis in his life.  He wanted to get his coaching business off the ground but he was dealing with a severe breakup so he was having a hard time focusing on how to put together his programs and what to do next. 

He joined my Warrior Mastermind program and we worked together for a bit in the course as well as privately.   Every time we would do a 1:1 session he would drop absolute gold on me around love, the heart and healing from breakup.  I was blown away by the fluidity of the language and the poetic way he would deliver his concepts to me.  I thought, wow, this guy is really special.  I kept pointing it out to him, “Matt, you have an amazing gift to be able to help women and heal them from what you’ve been through.“

I could see it in his eyes that he knew it was the truth too, but he was at an all-time low (been there!) and he was having a hard time believing in the vision that I was painting for him.  It was as if I was looking at Picasso who would paint a magnificent painting and he would say “that’s no good” and throw it away. 

“Wait, wait!” I would say, “This is amazing Matt, you have to build a program around what you’re telling me right now, you can heal and help so many people with your wisdom!”  I never gave up on Matt.  I kept his vision in my heart and in my mind’s eye.  I could not let that vision die because I know the world needs what he has to offer.  He’s an amazing, compassionate, empathic, and divine masculine warrior. 

Matt Wood, the person that you see before you, is a true healer.  A person who is meant to help people rise from the ashes of a wounded heart and triumph over their insecurities and depression.   He has such profound compassion and understanding of relationship and self that he’s able to deliver that wisdom in a way where it makes sense and you feel heard at the same time.   And because he’s been through a traumatic breakup, you know that he gets it.  It was through his intense suffering that he rose from his own ashes in order to be able to serve humanity in this way. 

It took him a minute (read…weeks, maybe even months) to get on board with this concept of developing a program around helping women with breakups.

Now he helps overwhelmed women heal, breathe and love themselves more by teaching them his 9 Step to ‘Healing the Wounded Heart’ Program.  If you are suffering from a breakup, then you should contact Matt and take his program.  He can be reached on Instagram @mattwoodcoaching or you can find out more about him by going to his website at  https://www.mattwoodcoaching.com/.  Please do yourself a favor and get to know this amazing human being. 

That’s for being you Matt!  You are so awesome and I’m so excited to see you become the leader in this space so that people can benefit from your kindness and compassion.

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