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Manifesting Abundance

abundance Feb 15, 2021

Mediation helped me understand on a profound level that all I need I already have. Everything else I want is just a fantasy and doesn’t exist. The very act of wanting creates a suffering state within us. Staying in state of prolonged wanting and desire creates prolonged suffering. This is a lesson which takes a while to get and is what kept us from being financially free, finding our soul mate, being at our ideal weight, etc..  

There’s nothing wrong with wanting and desiring things outside of ourselves.  It’s normal and natural to want money, friends, lovers, relationship, cars, yachts, a six-pack, or fill-in-the-blank. Have you stopped to ask yourself why you want “it” in the first place? You believe if you have the article, or person, or boat you desire, only then you will be happy.   This is non-sense. Happiness comes from within and there’s nothing in your external environment that will give you a sense of happiness like you can get when you create Bliss from inside yourself.

The very items you want and desire are keeping you in a suffering state because you don’t have them. The want and desire itself are preventing your happiness. When we are in a happy, satisfied, Blissful state is when we’ll receive the gadgets, the soulmate, or the financial security we desire. That is, assuming we want them anymore because we are already experiencing so much Bliss we don’t desire for anything. Many of experiences, people, or items we thought we wanted at this point become irrelevant. "Unease, restlessness, boredom, anxiety, dissatisfaction, are the result of unfulfilled wanting." - Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth.

The quickest way to manifest something is to not want it.

Haven’t we all had the following experience? We meet our new person by having had been in a state of not looking for, or not wanting a relationship at all. We didn’t want it. As soon as we didn’t want a relationship, it quickly showed up. Or this curiosity kept happening to me before I finally understood the principle: wanting to be left alone and getting bombarded with attention I didn’t desire. Isn't it interesting how this works? 

Wanting it is a way to just push it out to the future. 

If you needed what you want, you would already have it. Have you considered you are not mature and wise enough to have what you want? Have you considered there’s a very good reason why you don’t have what you want, and it’s not because of any deficiency? We don’t have what we want because sometimes not having it is what guarantees greater maturity. Have you met your soulmate yet? No? Well maybe you’re not the person you need to be to attract your soulmate.  If we can find happiness and wholeness without our beloved, then there will only be happiness and wholeness with our beloved. 

What would this juncture be like if you forgot what you wanted? It’d be nice right? Kind of takes the load off for a second. My Lightworker mother always understood this principle and would try to gently guide me. I would tell her my grandiose plans for my life, and she would try to get me to readjust my goal to reality. I felt at times she was trying to stifle me and stamp out my dreams. Now I realize she was trying to get me to release any wanting or desire because she saw it created so much suffering for me. I also discovered that wanting just created fear of losing something (that I never had in the first place) which kept my dreams and desires from manifesting. If we fear we will lose something it sends mixed signals to the Universe that you are not capable of handling your desires so they remain a fantasy instead of turning into reality. Are you completely ready to receive what you desire? It can be maddening trying to fool this principle. So don’t. 

Some of us feel a little scared of wealth, like we wouldn’t be able to handle a big number in our bank account. Maybe you don’t think this is happening for you but I’m here to tell you if you are BROKE, you have some sort of fear of having money. It is what is preventing you from getting it or keeping it.  Here’s the trick, if you are in the moment and stay present, it will never feel overwhelming. Money is just energy. If you fear it, IT WILL FEAR YOU. Eliminate all fear and live in love and abundance and it will come find you. If you chase wisdom, money will get jealous and will come looking for you.  I have experienced this truth on such a proud level that there is no other reason to believe otherwise. If you want more money stop fearing and living inside your egoic mind and live in love which is the present moment and money will come to you. 

It works like this. Number one, “I have everything I need.” Or “All my needs are met.” Simple, to the point, and is very clear to the Universe about the feeling of abundance, joy, and happiness, right now. Number two, “I hereby have paid all my karmic debt to this point, for the past, present, and future.” Number three, set an intention to “peacefully resolve any financial issues.” Ask your Angels for help here, they are on stand-by ready to assist you.

That's it for now!  Good luck and stay in the Love and Light!



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