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My 3 Biggest Tips To Creating Content That Converts

business Nov 16, 2021

Hey Spiritual Warriors! 

Have you been feeling like you’re not getting a lot of engagement on Instagram lately? 

Maybe there aren’t a lot of people tuning in when you go live...

And they’re only watching a couple slides on your story and dropping off half way through?   

Listen, we’ve all been there...

First thing is that we need to build a BRAND that's unique to YOU.  You're the best part of your brand.  Here are some pointers to get your Brand game going: 

1. Vision - do you know how you want to change the world?  What's your mission?

2. Niche - Who are you serving?  What problem can you solve for them?

3. Be Unique - The edge that is YOU is what is interesting.  Are you presenting the wonderful goodness of who YOU are?  Don't try and be like everyone else.  That's boring.

4. What's your Story - Why do you do what you do?  What is your big ah ha moment which drives your mission and purpose?

5. Look and Feel - What's the aesthetic for your brand.  If someone looks at your images, it should immediately scream you.  

The best advice I can give you when it comes to creating content on Instagram is to make sure that everything fits into this 3-Part System:

Hook Your Audience in with your first sentence.

When users are scrolling the first thing they see is your picture or video, the second thing they see is your FIRST SENTENCE! Use this area to hook your audience in to hit the READ MORE.

During your lives, stories, reels, IGTVs, summarize what you’re going to share in 1-2 sentences at the very beginning to keep your viewers watching longer.

Always give VALUE while you’re telling a story.

Once you’ve prepped your audience with your first sentence, now it’s time to dive deeper. Give them value while telling a story to keep the readers entertained and engaged.

The best way to keep your audience’s attention is to keep your value short and sweet.

Use bullet points or 1, 2, 3 to make your content easy to consume. 

Finish your story, advice, etc with a CALL TO ACTION.

A call to action concludes your story while telling your reader what to do next.

Never end without sharing the next step.

Whether that is to check out your awesome freebie, tune into your next live, or drop a comment… 

Guess What?

The best part of this 3-Part System is that you can use it on any type of content you create no matter what platform you’re using!






When you're producing content, think MORE EYEBALLS.  More people need to see your stuff.  If you have a good product and service, getting seen by more people is really the only thing you should focus on.  That and selling your services.

If you want to know more about how to create a killer brand, niche, and how to actually SELL your services online, then please book a call with me.  My programs are a robust way to get you from where you are, to where you want to be.

My mission in life is to help the consciousness of humanity RISE.  And I can't do it alone.  I need healers and coaches like you to get your wisdom out to the masses.   

CLICK HERE to hear some testimonials from my clients or HERE to book a call with me.

Sending you love, and wishing you so much joy and prosperity.







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