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Pivot vs Failure: What do you call it?

business Jun 11, 2021

Greetings Spiritual Warriors! 

Pivot vs. Failure: This is one of the most important lessons that you'll ever learn in business and in life.  If you watch the video above, Bree talks about how she didn't want to set her goals too high because she was afraid to fail. (BTW, Bree has nearly met her $10k/month goal, she's currently at $8500 at the time of this writing, and she will scale past this pretty easily soon.)

When you come into my world, there's NO SUCH THING AS FAILURE. We call it a pivot.  You'll learn if you work with me that the four most important things to keep in mind when you're growing your business are: Believe, Take Action, Observe, Pivot.  There's no fail in that formula.  If something isn't working, you just observe after gathering enough data and pivot.  It works, and is how I've been able to massively scale my business in less than a year.

Most people are afraid of failing; but it's inevitable that you will "fail".  It's impossible NOT to fail!  Failure should be a welcome event because it's going to give you information.

I “fail” all the time and it's my failure that makes me the success I am, not my successes.  I literally pivot ALL THE TIME in my business.  I will try something and say to myself “oh this is going to be great!” and then after testing it, turns out something about it (messaging, image, brand, words) is not working.  Instead of being attached I simply say “Well, that’s interesting.” Or “I did not expect that!” and I look into the data little bit further.  This is how I scale really quickly.  I'm not attached to the outcome.  

Try not to get attached (been there!) to the outcome. I have burned a company to the ground because I was attached to the outcome.  Trust, surrender, have faith in the process and all will be well.    

Also, do not pivot too early!  Most of the time when we go to market with a concept, we need to spend a little bit of time with it and try not to make decisions too quickly about if it’s working or not.

I had a guy who was a private coaching client and he was all over the place with his ideas!   He wanted to rapid fire through them to see which one was working, but that didn’t work because of a few factors.  1. He didn’t put enough time into forming a hypothesis for ONE IDEA, 2. His energy was chaotic and so that’s what he got back; chaos, and 3. He didn’t test each idea for long enough. 

So he ended up wasting MONTHS going through many different ideas before he landed on my original suggestion, which was “Combine what brings you joy and what you’re an expert at.” When he formulated an offering around that, then it took off, and there were less pivots along the way.  He had been attached to doing what he knew and was already was doing, instead of what he REALLY wanted to do and what brought him joy.  He also had a partner who was influencing the decision because there was fear around their financial situation. 

When you combine what brings you joy with what you’re an expert at, and you formulate the right offer, brand, messaging…and you have a solid vision, you get to something called consulting Nirvana which is a lovely place to be.  Deal flow happens, you are making money, healing people, and having a great time doing it!

Believe, take action, observe, pivot.

You can do it! 

Sending you so much love.  If you want to talk about how I can help you scale your business quickly please book your call by going to this link





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