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Show Up for Yourself and Take Action

abundance Feb 15, 2021

Many of you have energetically abandoned your dreams and your goals during the course of the year. 👁️


Do you journal?  If so, take a look at what you wrote last year at this time on December 31st 2019.  Are you in the same place that you were one year ago today?  Has your mindset changed?  Did you get excited about all the change that was going to happen and then slide back into a negative mindset during the course of the year?  


We seem to get this renewed sense of inspiration at the end of a year and beginning of the New Year....then, well, what happens?   Life, I suppose.  Life happens.  We start to begin to build the alibi for WHY we are not reaching our dreams and goals.  Covid, unemployment, pandemic, misery, job loss.  Yes, all of these things are real and it was a tough year for many people. 


Honestly, it was one of the best years of my life. 


I intended to WAKE UP, and I did.  I had a spiritual awakening.  I realized that I am not my thoughts.  I made a connection to source and to the Universe.  I suddenly had reason and purpose.  My life had meaning.  I wrote a book.  I started a company and am experiencing success.  I am now healing people.  I'm giving back and making the world a better place.  What a fantastic turn around from last year at this time!  This morning I read my journal from one year ago today and I was still baked in the middle of my delusion.  It was all about me!  Oh my goodness!  Although, there were glimpses of my awakening.  


Quite frankly, I had had enough.  I was at the peak of my suffering and I couldn't take it any longer.  That's usually when spiritual awakening happens, when you are a peak suffering state and you want change.  Does this sound like you?  I suspect yes, because if you are reading this and have signed up to receive my emails it is because you are ready to begin your awakening to a new level as well.


Just know, in order to get to the other side, you need to take action.


❤️ You are no longer jilting your dreams and leaving your higher self at the altar. 

❤️ You are now showing up for your own wedding and co-creation of the life that you want. 

❤️  You will  push through your boundaries in order to get to the other side. This can be very uncomfortable, but you can do it.

❤️  You will TAKE ACTION. Keep going and you will find your bliss and your dream life. 


You have to show up for yourself. 


Reach out to me for support. This is why I’m here on this planet, to serve you.   Click on the button on the homepage to book a FREE 30 minute vision session with me.  DO SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF BEFORE THE NEW YEAR BEGINS. 

Love you, and God Bless.



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