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Why You Should Move Away From 1:1 Healing Sessions (Learn the new way in minutes)

digital courses sales Jan 06, 2023

A common challenge that I run into with my clients is their hesitancy in moving away from their 1:1 Healing sessions into a program or container.

First, it's a lot harder to create a professional container that will move someone through a life transformational experience.  But because it's harder to create, it's worth a lot more. And you can charge a lot more.

There is so much waste when you're teaching the same information over and over and over again to maybe even the same people.  What is better for the world (and for you) is to create a transformational life program for your clients to get them through an entire life transformative experience.  After their experience with you, you should be able to give them the tools needed to go out on their own without needing to come back to you.  Yes, sure they might come back for a tune up, but we need to create an environment where the client has the tools and resources needed for their own transformation.  And to take responsibility for their own transformation.

This is the essence of the transformational life program.

If you're still teaching and healing in a 1:1 session, then you might want to look at what you teach, and how you heal.  Can you do it in a program which contains digital, group, and private sessions?  

We cannot heal the masses but putting out private sessions as the only way we are offering information.

First, we must create the container which hosts your knowledge.  

Second, we charge more for that and make a living with our offerings.

Third, then we can create lower price point products which helps more people, because we have the creative freedom to do so.

That's how I did it!

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I hope this has been helpful!  Please comment below with your questions!



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