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Replay: Timeline Therapy & Manifestation Workshop

live workshop Nov 04, 2022

This video is a workshop designed to help you overcome any blockages that you had in the past, present or future through a system called Timeline Therapy. Please like, comment, and subscribe for more content like this.

When we look at our life, we can imagine a line...

A timeline...

When we consider we are an energy that feeds from one generation to another...

Our time line is in fact our energy line and is comprised of all our emotional experiences across our existence.

What this means is that we carry every energetic memory attached to these experiences.

When you consider that every emotion is charged eg. anger, sadness, pain, grief, abandonment, fear etc - then it isn’t hard to appreciate that we carry these triggers also from their inception or first experience all the way to now….

Now imagine, no longer being triggered.

Imagine no longer feeling anger, sadness, fear, abandonment...
Imagine not needing to justify, or repeat negative emotional patterns.

Imagine releasing fears of the past.
Imagine releasing fears of the future - anxiety or worry
Imagine planting future goals and then having every unconscious behaviour work toward them…

What would that mean to you
What would that mean to your relationship - every relationship - at home, work, family, friends, and children.

These are very real considerations and given that they may each be released in 10 - 15 minutes, think of the possibilities…

Time Line Therapy®️ is a powerful mechanism created by the incredible Tad James, to shift unconscious behavioural patterns.

By the time you’re 35 years old, 95% of who you are is a set of memorized behaviours and emotional reactions from the past.

These memorized behaviours, if left unchallenged, can wreak havoc when attempting to operate efficiently and effectively as an adult and achieve your goals.

Time Line Therapy®️ changes these behaviours.
By completing events of the past, editing memories and placing future goals into our timeline, we are able to align our behaviours with what we wish to achieve life.
You can if you choose to, if it matters enough, open a whole new world of thought and action.

“Circumstances do not make a person, they reveal them”

For more information on my programs and workshops please visit us at:

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