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Tips on Staying Vibrant

body Feb 15, 2021

Here are my Pro Tips for staying Vibrant as we age: 


When I tell people my age it's usually met with shock.  "OMG really?  You're 49?"  Then they get real curious about how I'm doing it.  Here's my list...these are all important, but I'm trying to list the most effective ones at the top: 


1. Meditation. Clear your old trauma. If you have old trauma sitting in your body then it's going to lower your vibration.  The trick to staying looking and feeling youthful is a high vibration.  When you have a high vibration, then your body will comply with you and you will draw more positive energy to you.  Click here to buy my Chakra Clearing Mediation Series. This is exactly what I used to wake up and clear my trauma so I recorded it so you could have the same experience.  


2. Happiness, ie. removing a negative mindset.  Walking around in a bad mood is like telling the Universe to send you more bad things.  It's pointless.  Being happy is a choice and is a state of mind.  If you're in an uncomfortable moment, just remember your reaction to it is your choice. You can choose to react or you can choose to learn from it.  Happiness, once practiced daily, can grow.  If you need guidance here, then I have a 5 Pack Psychic Reading and Meditation Series designed to help you identify where your negativity resides and to clear energetically from your body.  


3. Daily Fasting.  I don't eat between the hours of 8pm and 11am.  Not one calorie.  No sweeteners, wine, chocolate, nothing.  You can have black coffee and tea in the morning, but don't put anything in it.  This takes a little getting used to but once you get the hang of it, it becomes habit.  This allows your body to complete rest and burn off any toxins from your cells.  It works for me and keeps me at a good weight.  I lost 12 pounds in about 60 days by doing this.


4. Yoga, Walking, Running, Hiking, some Weight Lifting.  You must move your body on the daily!  Most days I'm walking, running, or hiking about 5 miles.  Then I do yoga even just for a few minutes every day.  You don't have to make a big deal out of it!  Just ten to twenty minutes of yoga or weight lifting every day will keep your body tone.


5. Connect with nature; bare feet or hands on Mother Earth are a must.  After every run, I always take my shoes off and walk on the bare sand for about 15 minutes.  The earth and its magnetic core are giving off much needed energetic stabilization that's really good for your body.  If you are wearing shoes you are not getting this energy.  So even if you have to wear shoes (say it's really cold out) put your butt or your bare hands on a rock or a tree with no rubber in between. 


6. Eliminating Drugs and Alcohol entirely from diet.  Plant medicine only if you must.  Most of us still drink wine or alcohol as a way to medicate.  I have decided that I don't want drugs and alcohol in my daily life.  Even if I have one glass of wine, it lowers my vibration, and I can tell that it's lowering my vibration.  Finally I said to myself, "Why am I doing this to begin with?  What's the point of this?  I'm already happy, and I don't need any substance to change my state."  As a side note I still ingest coffee and that's a substance as well.  I will drink a glass of wine when I'm around friends or family but it's not a daily occurrence for me any longer.  I just don't need it.  Try juice or Kombucha instead.


7. Plant based diet.  When I had my spiritual awakening, the first thing that came in loud and clear was "Stop eating animals".  So I stopped eating meat.  Occasionally I'll have fish or shellfish.  I do still have a tiny bit of yogurt and I eat eggs.  So I'm not completely vegan but I'm leaning in that direction.  


8. TV and negative imagery fasting.  Stop spending endless hours watching You Tube or Netflix!  I do watch the news a couple days a week because I want to stay informed, but aside from that I don't really watch TV.  I noticed that it would activate my "pain body" as Eckhart Tolle likes to say.  I like to say that it would "trigger me" into negative thinking and feeling.  It would lower my vibration.  So now I limit the amount of TV that I consume and I read a good book, do yoga, meditate, or connect with a loved one instead. 


9. Reading, writing, journaling on the daily.  Use this as a substitute for drinking or for TV watching.  Educate yourself, write a poem, journal out your feelings.  If you're going through a troubling time, journalling is a great way to get it out of your body.  Start a blog!


10. Feeling Love, romantic or otherwise and Gratitude.  It's important to feel love and connect with people whether that's friends, family, a partner or even a pet.  Feeling love will raise your vibration and will attract more love to you.  We want to do whatever it takes to keep your vibration high.  


11. Facial exercises.  :)  This is a new one for me, but I swear it works!  Much like weight lifting for your body, you can tone the muscles in your face so that the skin and fat on them doesn't sag.  I do it in the morning as I'm pondering life and watching the ocean while I drink my coffee.  I made a commitment to stop putting Botox in my third eye (you are paralyzing your ability to see ladies), and I hope to eliminate any fillers or "work" entirely from my existence.  


That's it!  I hope it helps.  Being in denial on aging (and death) will only cause you immediate suffering, so just surrender to it.  Tell yourself that you're young and beautiful and be grateful to be alive.


Give me a YES in comments!  If you got this far!  ğŸ‘‡

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