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What makes a Reel go Viral?

Uncategorized Oct 21, 2022

In this video I'll share with you what I think makes a video go viral on Instagram Reels. Through my own experimentation, I've been able to get some traction with Reels, and I hope this video sheds some light on what makes a viral video so that you can go and make some great content.

Reels are great for a cold audience. We need to continue reaching new prospects in order to keep our businesses alive and Reels are a great way to reach a cold audience. When working this strategy in tandem with a warm retargeted Facebook Ad campaign, we can bring more people into awareness about what we teach. And we get new followers this way. I also have a team of people who reach out to my fans on my behalf and so it's my responsibility to create great content to keep the entire system going.

As a spiritual business coach, I try and find motivational, inspirational, for funny content that gets the viewer out of their head for a second, and provide some relief to a stressful day. I always tie it back to my teachings and do a soft pitch for my services in the end.

In this video I go over a few things that I noticed with the videos that had some "legs" and some videos that didn't have legs or viral components.

A few things that I've learned:

1. People like seeing faces up close.
2. My eyes were in the center of the frame.
3. All seemed to move the audience in some way.
4. Is there a lesson that they want to share with a friend.
5. Do you embody the voiceover person?
6. All clips seemed to be around 5-6 seconds and cut abruptly, so it immediately starts over again. I get two views for one this way, maybe more.

I hope this helps you!

If you're interested in my spiritual business programs, and want to build a business around your spirit offering, please take a look at my freebies to learn more about me:


If you're looking for masterminds or a business coach, I would love to chat with you. Please go here to book some time with me:




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