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What is spacetime?

awe Feb 15, 2021

The Big Bang happened 13.8 billion years ago. All at once “nothing” became everything.

Little clumps of dust started to collect and attract to itself more of the same. The little individual bits started to coalesce into individual galaxies, stars, planets, life on earth and yes humans.

We are all bound together by spacetime. Spacetime is the nothingness between you and me, but it’s a living, bendable force all the same. Spacetime is what holds up the stars, planets, and galaxies. Gravity is the bending of space and time itself.

When I do yoga, I am bending the spacetime around me.

The Universe is made of spacetime and spacetime is what the Universe really is. It’s the unknowable force that rules the Universe. 

Time is an interesting concept and I've been very interested in the subject of time.  What is time?  Time isn't necessarily linear.  For example, the closer you get to a black hole the slower time slows down or stands still. The black hole warps spacetime. The satellites that are orbiting the earth which are giving you your phone signal need to be adjusted every day because they are recording time at a faster rate.   It is said that people that live closer to the earth, in the lowlands, age more slowly than the people up at higher altitudes.  This could explain why I look 30 instead of 49, because I live at the beach.  :)

Back to spacetime...When people talk about the law of attraction or they say “Go with the Flow” or use the “law of attraction” ...I believe spacetime is what they are referring to.  If you play nice with spacetime, spacetime will play nice with you.  If we assume for a moment that spacetime is a living entity (and we must since it is the living force that binds everything in existence) then wouldn't you want to play nice with spacetime?   Wouldn't you want to feed it positivity, love, light, and flow easily within it?  Why fight it?  Why resist it?

The Universe is accelerating in expansion. Scientists suggest that the Big Bang was an aftermath of the collapse of an old Universe.  Is it possible that we live in an infinite spacetime cycle of birth, death, and rebirth?  Just like an inhale, hold, exhale breath.  It could be that we are one iteration of an infinite number of cycles in an infinite Mega Universe.

Dark energy is also a newly identified force in the Universe may be a property of spacetime. Scientists don’t know much about it. But it's something that I'm interested in researching and will get back to you with more news when I have it (maybe an infinite number of lifetimes from now.)

Quite simply; you are drawing towards you, through spacetime, more of the same matter (events, people, things) based on how you are feeling and what you are projecting.  Release all of that and realize that you are a part of something magical.  Most of us live in a world where we believe it's all about us.  It's not about you, really. 

All is perfect. It always has been and always will be. 

Love from Infinity and beyond.



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