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What is the nature of Reality?

awe Feb 15, 2021

I read an article recently from Scientific American whose headline was: 

"Do We Live in a Simulation? Chances Are about 50–50"  

I thought, oh boy.  But I was intrigued.  I know in my own experience my dream state is just as vivid as my waking state.  So what's the difference?  Could it be possible that I'm creating my waking state just as much as I create my dream state while I'm laying in my bed at night?  Buddhists define the difference between dream and waking states but they are just states all the same and not true reality.  

When I read that I might be living in simulated reality it gave me reason for pause.  If you're a Star Trek fan like I am, the hologram computer program that they would use for fun when they have time off is what we're talking about here.

Here's an excerpt from the article: 

"Now a new analysis shows that the odds that we are living in base reality—meaning an existence that is not simulated—are pretty much even. But the study also demonstrates that if humans were to ever develop the ability to simulate conscious beings, the chances would overwhelmingly tilt in favor of us, too, being virtual denizens inside someone else’s computer." 

Here's the full article if you want to read more about it.  

I encourage you to question the state of your own reality.  If we are all living in a simulated reality, then who is in charge?  Is the programmer a God like figure or are there some data sets (like being happy) that encourage positive reinforcement by way of more positive events occurring?

Look, I don't know all the answers here, I'm just asking some simple questions about the world we live in.  Who am I, how did I get here, and where am I going?  It's a fun way to spend your time instead of obsessing about whatever is making you miserable right now.  

For me, I know I am getting closer towards the truth.  The truth for me is that I am not my thoughts. I am love, light, and pure divinity that runs through me every day.   The Universe is having a conscious experience through Marne the human.  The more one becomes aware of this, the more one moves into a non dual experience instead of a dual existence. 

Marne is the experience instead of Marne having an experience. Understand the difference?  I don't feel that way all the time, but I have moments when this is profound for me.  It's a different way to live your life.  I can assure you; it is FAR more pleasurable than the asleep mindset of being one's own thoughts. 

What's your life experience like?  Comment below and let me know.

Lots of love to you,



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