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You are more than you give yourself credit for

awe Feb 15, 2021

Here are my six steps to helping overcome the "I'm not worthy" syndrome that we all carry around with us.  Just the fact that you are a living breathing Being is a miracle in and of itself.  Why on earth would you take that for granted? You are on this planet, at this time, for a reason. 

Try embracing these six steps.  Sit with them.  Meditate with them and see what comes out the other side for you.

❤️   Lean into the idea that you are here for a reason and a purpose.

❤️   Realize that you don't know everything, and you probably never will.

❤️   Enjoy other people.  They are there as reflections of who you are, always teaching and testing you so that you can be your best self.  When you get triggered, thank them.  They are helping you grow.

❤️   Stop taking this experience so personally.  This is happening, right now.  Relax.

❤️  Believe in something greater than yourself.  The delivery system (religion etc.) doesn't really matter.  It all points to the same thing, infinite Love and Bliss.

❤️  We are more alike than we are different.  Drop a grudge if you have one, right now. 

I would encourage you to study astronomy in your spare time.  It helps us understand that we are so tiny in an infinite Universe.   Did you know that there are over 200 billion observable galaxies in our Universe?  Surely there's more than we can see with a telescope.  What does this mean...that it possibly goes on forever?  What does forever mean?  What is infinity?   Also, we haven't found any other intelligent Beings...how is that even possible?  With that many galaxies?  

Honestly, and you're worried about not being enough.  It's just plain silliness.  Step into the magic and realize that you are special, you are unique, and you being on this planet RIGHT NOW has meaning.  What are you going to do about it?

Love, peace, light, and unicorns, puppies, and rainbows to infinity. 



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