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Pssst healers! Stop playing small!

Are you still stuck in doing 1:1 healing or coaching sessions?  God bless you for doing this! 

However, it's not scalable.  (Said with love.)

The only way to scale up and reach more people is to create masterminds and digital courses.  

Creating a system and structure will professionalise your work. It allows you to help more people with your wisdom (and make more money too).

Plus the automation alone will completely change your life.  Can you imagine having more time freedom and making more money?  I'm doing it right now and I'm telling you it's fantastic!  

You are valuable.  What you have to give to the world is valuable.

Right now if you're doing 1:1 sessions, YOU ARE THE SYSTEM. 

You are not scalable! 

A system is!  I can show you with precision how to do this.  See my testimonials for how I'm showing other people too.

Are you getting people through a transformation?  Yes?!  Ok...

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Spiritual abundance financial abundance (Why they are the same)

abundance business Jun 29, 2022

Warrior Mastermind students discuss how they are manifesting more quickly by deepening their own spiritual practices. Marne Semick (in the headband) is a spiritual business coach, guiding healers and coaches through complete life and business transformations.

The power of manifestation can be found in the infinite point of light between the infinite loop of give and receive.   

If you give huge value in your business, you will receive huge value in your business. Clients talk about how they hit their revenue goals on the second day of the month, and how they did it through clear intention.   


If you like this content, you might like my free masterclass located here:   


If you're working in the following niches, this article and video is for you: * the collective consciousness * personal development * spiritual awakening * enlightenment * kundalini awakening * energy work * chakra healing * how to...

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Manifestation Trick You're Missing (The one secret that changed my life)

Why is manifesting so hard?! Well, I tell you why in this video. It's a process and you're missing an important piece of the process. Let me help you break it down so you can manifest what you want more easily in your life. Trust me, it works. I've used these techniques to get many things in my life, including money, love, abundance, places to live, and more.   If you're new to my channel, hi, my name is Marne Semick and I'm a spiritually awake business coach. If you're a healer, lightworker, or coach and you're looking to build a big business online to help more people and make more money, then please watch my Free Masterclass (25 minutes); located here:

Watch the free Masterclass

If you want to learn how to manifest more clients and prosperity in your business, I have a digital course called 


Click the above link to get it.

If you're working in the following niches, this article and video is for you:

  • ...
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Warrior Mastermind Group Call - Inside Peek!

Warrior Mastermind Group Snippet: WATCH FOR INSPIRATION!
Thanks everyone who comes to these group calls! If you're a Warrior Mastermind or Mastery Member, you have access to these special 1 x a month group call on the first Thursday of the month.
This group support and mastermind is WAY MORE than I ever thought it would be. It's a great place to be seen, felt, and heard by other members of our healing community going through the same process as you.
It's also a wonderful way to GIVE and tell the Universe that you're open to RECEIVING as well. That's the secret to manifestation.
Will you be joining me for the next one?
It's scheduled for July 7th at noon PST! Please mark your calendars. Will you be there? 👇 Tell us if you're coming!
To watch my free Masterclass, please go to this link: 
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How do I make money as a spiritual healer, coach, or mentor?

abundance mindset May 13, 2022

In this article and video I'm going to show you the hacks on increasing your revenue so that you can experience wild profitable growth in your business.

First you need a stable business with systems and structures in place, then you need to change your mindset and take radical action.

Watch this video to learn how Marne did it.

To join an elite level of spiritual entrepreneur, visit our Masterminds page: https://www.marnesemick.com/masterminds 

For a free overview of how Marne scale's her business rapidly from $0 to over $250k a month within 7 months, please watch our Masterclass by going here: https://www.marnesemick.com/Masterclass 

For all the top secret Mindset Hacks that Marne uses, please join our course called Manifest Clients and Prosperity for Your Spiritual Business by going here ($111):

 Manifest Clients & Prosperity for Your Spiritual Business 

To book a call with Marne please use this link.

This information works well in the following...

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Can honoring the present moment make you richer?


Jenny Ottoway was so kind to have me on her podcast called Foundation of YOU.  I'm including the video clip of our talk together.  

I must say, we had a really good time and great conversation!

What I love about life is that we do not know what’s going to happen next. Since we have no idea, and if you accept that concept, life becomes crazy, magical and mystical in every moment.  It opens up the present moment for bliss and joy to radiate through.   

Being in the present moment means that you slow down, and release the thoughts in your head.  You view and witness what's happening in front of you with complete surrender and acceptance of what is.

We tend to resist this present moment in the tiniest of ways...thinking about what we're going to do next or being irritated with this present moment because it's simply not good enough.  We constantly label things and make judgements about what is instead of just experiencing it in the...

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For healers who want big months

abundance business Oct 13, 2021


This is a message for healers, spiritual entrepreneurs, coaches, or wellness guides who want to get confidence around sales, tech, and social media.

Learn how to be the boss, amp it up, earn more, and help humankind at the same time.  Does relying on word of mouth and referrals to get clients create stress?  Discover how other spiritual entrepreneurs are feeling good about what they provide and understand how they are selling it to many clients.  

>>>>>   Here’s some sobering advice <<<<<<<<

Hi, my name is Marne Semick and I’m a spiritual business coach who helped 50 people (spiritual healers and coaches) grow their businesses within my Mastermind in just a few short months.  I’ve also started many businesses in my life, one of them was a digital media agency which earned double digits followed by six more zeros. Read that last sentence again. 

I now work with...

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Manifesting Abundance

abundance Feb 15, 2021

Mediation helped me understand on a profound level that all I need I already have. Everything else I want is just a fantasy and doesn’t exist. The very act of wanting creates a suffering state within us. Staying in state of prolonged wanting and desire creates prolonged suffering. This is a lesson which takes a while to get and is what kept us from being financially free, finding our soul mate, being at our ideal weight, etc..  

There’s nothing wrong with wanting and desiring things outside of ourselves.  It’s normal and natural to want money, friends, lovers, relationship, cars, yachts, a six-pack, or fill-in-the-blank. Have you stopped to ask yourself why you want “it” in the first place? You believe if you have the article, or person, or boat you desire, only then you will be happy.   This is non-sense. Happiness comes from within and there’s nothing in your external environment that will give you a sense of happiness...

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Show Up for Yourself and Take Action

abundance Feb 15, 2021

Many of you have energetically abandoned your dreams and your goals during the course of the year.


Do you journal?  If so, take a look at what you wrote last year at this time on December 31st 2019.  Are you in the same place that you were one year ago today?  Has your mindset changed?  Did you get excited about all the change that was going to happen and then slide back into a negative mindset during the course of the year?  


We seem to get this renewed sense of inspiration at the end of a year and beginning of the New Year....then, well, what happens?   Life, I suppose.  Life happens.  We start to begin to build the alibi for WHY we are not reaching our dreams and goals.  Covid, unemployment, pandemic, misery, job loss.  Yes, all of these things are real and it was a tough year for many people. 


Honestly, it was one of the best years of my life. 


I intended to WAKE UP, and I did.  I...

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How to Create Miracles

abundance Feb 15, 2021

What is a miracle?  A miracle is when a manifestation request happens nearly immediately. 

What are the components for manifesting a miracle?  Let's take a look at that.

1. First you need complete surrender.  Have you ever requested a miracle and been granted this request?  I know I have.  It could be simple or could be a life and death situation.  It's almost as if you're at your wits end and you know that YOU cannot do anything else, and it's beyond you and you need help from a "higher power".  You completely submit in that moment to something greater than yourself.

2. Your "request" quickly becomes a "command." If you need a miracle you don't have time to wait around for things to manifest at their own speed because you need it RIGHT NOW.

3. Recognition of the said miracle when it arrives does what to you?  You have complete faith in something greater than yourself.  You believe in God or the...

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