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How to Creat a Transformational Life Program for your Clients (My Secret 3 Tips)

digital courses niche sales Dec 23, 2022

Hey Everyone, please like and subscribe to my channel to help me get the word out there. These are my top three tips to help you understand how to craft a transformational life program for your clients. If you're here you're probably a healer, life coach, or transformational mentor. If you're starting from scratch you may be scratching (excuse the pun) your head on what exactly to offer.

These are my best tips to help you create any of the following:

Transformational life Programs
Retreat Agenda
Digital Courses
Masterminds, Containers, or Programs

Let's begin by making you sure you understand that you have to change someone's life. If you're going to charge over $1k for any program, it has to be transformational. If you're not changing lives, then eventually you won't have a business.

Second, it's important to only teach what you're an expert at. I can't tell you how many times I've had people try to copy my work, and it never turns out good for them. People will know if you are phoning it in and if you're pretending to know what you're talking about when you really don't.

If you're not an expert at what you're teaching then become an expert please...do us all a favor and get clear on what you're an expert at.

Then marry that with what brings you joy.

Also, take a look at what are the commonalities of each of your clients who are getting the desired change that you promised. What do they have in common? What are they asking you for?

That's what you want to create.

And remember, you need to sell it BEFORE you built it.

If you need help crafting your offer, selling that offer multiple times a month and then building that offer in an online format, then please reach out to us by going to this link:


We have some more free courses and freebies located here:


Please like and subscribe to my YouTube Channel. I'm wishing you much love and luck and prosperity!

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