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Spiritual Coaches Learn How to Get Clear On Messaging (3 Easy Tips)

copywriting niche Apr 28, 2023

How to get clear on your messaging!

Are you struggling to communicate your message clearly in your spiritual business?
As a spiritual business coach, I understand how important it is to have a clear message that speaks to your ideal clients.

Here are some tips to help you get clear on your messaging:
Start with your why - Why did you start your business in the first place?
Identify your ideal client - Who are you trying to help and what problems do they have?
Craft a simple and clear message - What is the solution you offer and how does it benefit your ideal client?

By following these steps, you'll be able to communicate your message more effectively and attract your ideal clients.

Don't forget to use relevant hashtags like #spiritualbusiness #soulpreneur #manifestationcoach and many others to reach a wider audience!

If you're still struggling with your messaging, I'm here to help! DM me to schedule a coaching session today.

Here's my free masterclass that'll teach you how to...

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What's Your Mission | Spiritual Business Owners (Energetic Mastery, Speak, Feel, Write Clearly)

energetics mission niche Mar 10, 2023

Watch this video if you need help speaking your message clearly. If you don't speak your message clearly, then you probably don't have a defined mission.

Do you have a mission? If so, what is it? What's the core message that you want your prospective clients to feel? If you can feel it yourself, speak, and write it then it's powerful.
Getting clear on your message and you can speak your truth and speak your message into those words.

Top three things that you should incorporate into your one sentence value proposition.

Why are you here?
Why does it matter?
Why are you doing what you do?

Every single action that you take has a meaning and a purpose. My mission is to help spiritual coaches get their work out into the world. If this is you and you need help then please reach out to me.

The work that you're doing is really important, even if it doesn't feel like it all the time.

In this video we go over how to:
Speak It: What words to use.
Write It: Who we help, how we help them, why we...

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Riches in the Niches | Business Advice for Spiritual Life Coaches

niche Mar 03, 2023

Why Being a Generalist Means You're Broke! In this video we go over what is a niche, and how to find it for your spiritual business. This is a common problem that I come across in my business with my clients, so I'm hoping this video is going to clear a few things up for you.

This is the free masterclass that I mention in the video, if you haven't seen it I would highly recommend it:

This video is for spiritual life coaches, lightworkers, guides, etc. Here are the three key takeaways from this video:

# 1 Stop being a generalist
# 2 Burn the boats. Go all in on one thing. Decide, go all in on one thing. You have to be bold here. Be known for one thing. All of my teaching is around one product and that's what I'm recommending for you as well.
# 3 Stay loose, learn to pivot. You may decide to go to market with one thing, and some of the words that you're using may not be landing so you should pivot

Other things: Stop taking bad advice (stop...

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How to Creat a Transformational Life Program for your Clients (My Secret 3 Tips)

digital courses niche sales Dec 23, 2022

Hey Everyone, please like and subscribe to my channel to help me get the word out there. These are my top three tips to help you understand how to craft a transformational life program for your clients. If you're here you're probably a healer, life coach, or transformational mentor. If you're starting from scratch you may be scratching (excuse the pun) your head on what exactly to offer.

These are my best tips to help you create any of the following:

Transformational life Programs
Retreat Agenda
Digital Courses
Masterminds, Containers, or Programs

Let's begin by making you sure you understand that you have to change someone's life. If you're going to charge over $1k for any program, it has to be transformational. If you're not changing lives, then eventually you won't have a business.

Second, it's important to only teach what you're an expert at. I can't tell you how many times I've had people try to copy my work, and it never turns out good for them. People will know if you are...

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How to find a profitable coaching niche

Finding Profitable Coaching Niches as a Healer or a Coach are my best tips to help you narrow down your offerings and go to market with one great idea.

Let me show you how to come up with a money idea that will make you an excellent coach or healer and also help you get more people through transformation.

What makes you unique? There's only one of you, be like you, not like everyone else. What brings you joy plus what are you an expert at? How can you combine them? Pick one thing and go big. If you are doing too many things you're a generalist. And generalists usually end up being broke.

Marne Semick is a spiritual business coach who hosts Masterminds, has digital courses, runs retreats, and gives inspirational talks for corporations. If you are a spiritual entrepreneur, healer or a coach (full list below) and you want to learn more; we invite you to watch our free Masterclass by going to this link:

Free Masterclass:


If you need...

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How do I find a niche with a spiritual business?

niche May 13, 2022


This video is about how to find your niche as a spiritual teacher, healer, mentor, and coach.

Taken from a live Mastermind with Marne Semick. Marne opens up the discussion for the healers at the table to help Chris, an author and psychic about what niche he's going to target and go to market with.

Many of the people at this particular Mastermind are psychics, which is fascinating because whoever shows up is normally perfectly right for that particular topic for the day.

If you like this content, I have a free masterclass that shows you how I scaled a business from $0 to over $250k a month, please go here for that class.


If are actively looking for a business coach for your healing or coaching business and you'd like to book an exploratory call, please go to this link:


If you want to find your niche as a healer, and get it done TODAY, I have course...

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