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Riches in the Niches | Business Advice for Spiritual Life Coaches

niche Mar 03, 2023

Why Being a Generalist Means You're Broke! In this video we go over what is a niche, and how to find it for your spiritual business. This is a common problem that I come across in my business with my clients, so I'm hoping this video is going to clear a few things up for you.

This is the free masterclass that I mention in the video, if you haven't seen it I would highly recommend it:

This video is for spiritual life coaches, lightworkers, guides, etc. Here are the three key takeaways from this video:

# 1 Stop being a generalist
# 2 Burn the boats. Go all in on one thing. Decide, go all in on one thing. You have to be bold here. Be known for one thing. All of my teaching is around one product and that's what I'm recommending for you as well.
# 3 Stay loose, learn to pivot. You may decide to go to market with one thing, and some of the words that you're using may not be landing so you should pivot

Other things: Stop taking bad advice (stop listening to your family). Create a specific message for your audience, see my video about messaging and niche.

I hope this is helpful! As always please like and subscribe if you like this video.

Other helpful links are:
Events: https://www.marnesemick.com/events 
Masterminds: https://www.marnesemick.com/masterminds 
Retreats: https://www.marnesemick.com/retreats 

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