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I'm losing hope (no one is buying my spiritual offer)

sales sales tips Nov 25, 2022



Hey Everyone it's Marne Semick and in this video I am working with a client who is having trouble selling her spiritual service. She basically has lost hope and is at a point of not knowing what to do next.

Just know that it's probably not you! Your offer and you are just fine. I know that you know how to create and help people through spiritual transformation. The part that could be the issue is typically the following:

1. The words that you're using to explain your offer are not clear. Therefore when you talk about it to potential prospects, they don't know if it's the correct choice for them. You want to speak your offer clearly so that when your prospect hears it, they say, that's me, I need that.
2. Maybe you haven't defined your ideal client well enough. I can tell you that if you're a generalist, you're probably broke. The more specific you can get and speak those words to your exact audience then it will land better with them.
3. Maybe you're not prospecting. In this video my client says "I'm not good with tactics" which is why she hired me in the first place. I found out after our conversation together that she wasn't following my instructions on how to get people interested in her product and services. To correct this issue I helped her with some wording on her offer and service and then directed her back to the part of the program which talks about how to use social media to get cold strangers into paying clients.

If you need help in this way, then I would recommend that you watch my free masterclass here:


You can also check out my containers and masterminds for spiritual entrepreneurs by going to this link.

Good luck out there, and just know that people need your product or service! People are struggling and you can help them ascend into their next evolution as a human being.


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