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Making Money is a Contact Sport

sales sales tips Sep 29, 2023

Is it time to make a change?

The Third Quarter of the year is almost OVER .... I'm sure you've spent the last few days looking at the numbers and updating your game plan for finishing the year strong...

The question is... are your Stats UP or Down right now?

If you're killing it right now... GREAT JOB!!!! I'm glad to hear your winning and still finding the time to stay connected with me and my team.

If your stats are OFF or Not where you want them to be then I can assure you I HAVE THE MISSING KEY to your success in the last quarter of this year....

If you're looking for NEW WAYS to ensure your team is getting those EXTRA SALES

If you want to Increase sales by 15-40% in less than 90 days...

Click here to book a call with me and let's get to work on making the final quarter of the year the BEST EVER!


Make money doing what you love, you're worth it!
Marne Semick

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How To Sell High-Ticket Coaching Packages [For Energy Workers and Healers]

sales sales tips Sep 15, 2023

Hey there, fellow energy workers and healers! Are you ready to take your practice to the next level? If you've been hesitating to sell high-ticket coaching packages, I've got some insights to share that might just change your perspective.

Here's the FREE COURSE that I mention in my video:  https://www.marnesemick.com/Masterclass 

Myth-Busting: Energy Work Can Be Digital

First things first, let's tackle a common misconception: the belief that energy work and instruction can't be digitized. Well, guess what? That's absolutely false! In this digital age, there's a whole world of opportunities waiting for us online. Whether it's remote energy healing sessions, virtual coaching, or online courses, your energy work can indeed make a significant impact through the digital realm.

Don't let the physical limitations hold you back. Embrace technology and open up new avenues to reach and help more people. The digital world is your playground, and your unique healing abilities can...

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Boost Your Sales: Harnessing the Power of DMs to Connect with People on Social Media

In today's digital age, social media has become a thriving platform for businesses to connect with their target audience and drive sales. While public posts and ads are effective, there is an often overlooked tool that can exponentially ramp up your sales: direct messages (DMs). By engaging with people through DMs, you can establish meaningful connections, build trust, and convert potential customers into loyal advocates. In this article, we will explore how to leverage DMs on social media to enhance your sales strategy and drive business growth.  If you're looking for outsourced lead generation for your business, then you might be a candidate for our appointment setting services

Lead generation typically is the ONE THING that will drive any entrepreneur crazy.  Where are all the clients!  If this is you, then keep reading because I have some great tips for you. 

Here are a few steps to get you started. 

  1. Research and Identify Your Ideal...
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Best Sales Advice Ever from a Spiritually Awake Coach

sales sales tips Mar 17, 2023

Hey everyone! I've sold a lot of stuff in my life (millions) and here are my best #sales tips!

These are my best sales tips from a spiritually awake coach and high earner. I'm in Santa Barbara California.

When you're in a sales process if you adhere to these three things, you'll have more success.

1Number one listen with your heart and not your mind. If you're thinking about what you're going to say next, you're going to love them. Connect your heart to the other person. This does not mean sympathy. When you sympathise with someone you may go down a rabbit hold.
2 Number two exaggerate the difference between the current situation and the desired situation. When they come to you they are totally confused, and they don't even know what they want. Their life is in a critical moment, and they need help. When you can separate this for them, then it's more clear about where they are and where they are going.
3Number three find the black swan. The black swan is what they know about...

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How to increase sales and income for spiritual biz

Do you want to make a living from your spiritual or healing offering? This video goes over how to increase your sales and income with your spiritual business. Are you wondering if you can quit your day job and go into business for yourself?

Do you wonder any of the following:

Can I make a full time living from helping other people?
Is it possible to have a lifestyle of abundance and freedom and help others at the same time?
How do I get out of 1:1 healing sessions and into transformational life programs?

This video addresses these main things:
1. How to engage with your audience to get them to respond to you.
2. How to feel confident in your own offering so that you can indeed charge more.
3. How to get people from social media into paying clients.

If you find this video helpful, then please watch my free masterclass on how to turn your monthly revenue into your weekly and daily revenue for your spiritual healing or coaching business.


If you're...

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My Best 3 Tips for Selling High Ticket Offers

sales sales tips Dec 30, 2022

If you're a #healer #coach or #mentor and you are selling a high ticket #transformational program, then you should watch this video. 

It's just as difficult to sell a high ticket item as it is to sell a lower ticket item. I've been in sales for many years and have sold millions of dollars worth of stuff. I can tell you that the best advantage that you can have is to be able to read the other person. If you are an #empath then you have a distinct advantage over people who cannot feel what the other person is feeling.

Because you can feel and read the other person better then you should be able to find out if you are heading in the right direction and if your words are landing with them.

Second, it's important to not make it about you. This is a common mistake that I see with most people, and that is that they want to talk about their accomplishments or what they do. When in fact, if you've set up your sales process correctly, the person has already done some research on you....

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I'm losing hope (no one is buying my spiritual offer)

sales sales tips Nov 25, 2022



Hey Everyone it's Marne Semick and in this video I am working with a client who is having trouble selling her spiritual service. She basically has lost hope and is at a point of not knowing what to do next.

Just know that it's probably not you! Your offer and you are just fine. I know that you know how to create and help people through spiritual transformation. The part that could be the issue is typically the following:

1. The words that you're using to explain your offer are not clear. Therefore when you talk about it to potential prospects, they don't know if it's the correct choice for them. You want to speak your offer clearly so that when your prospect hears it, they say, that's me, I need that.
2. Maybe you haven't defined your ideal client well enough. I can tell you that if you're a generalist, you're probably broke. The more specific you can get and speak those words to your exact audience then it will land better with them.
3. Maybe you're not prospecting. In...

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Live Session: How to Win Clients and Influence Strangers

sales sales tips Nov 11, 2022

Hey everybody, my name is Marne and this is my channel of all things spirituality and business.  This live session we go over how to create more sales in your spiritual business and what energetic state you are bringing to your business and your offers.  There are a few things, like having confidence on what you're offering that will make a big difference.  Confidence means that you'll make more sales.  No confidence in your own product or service means that you won't be making any sales.  In this session we go over how and what to do if you are feeling like you're not getting any clients.

Please follow and like my YouTube Channel by going here: 


We discuss how you could be using social media to sell your offers and what that looks like.

The product that I mention in the video is called my Warrior Mastermind which you can learn more about it by going here: 


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Prospecting for your spiritual business (How it will make you rich)

abundance sales sales tips Nov 08, 2022

Hate prospecting?? Well I've got news for you, it's a necessary part of what we do. Here's a BONUS module that I put into Conscious Wealth Building for the Spiritual Warrior, my basic Mastermind. This and other information on sales is available in the digital product and is available to all Mastermind members!

My name is Marne and I help spiritual entrepreneurs scale their businesses quickly by teaching them how to build sustainable businesses online so you can help more people.

Watch as I break it down for you so you don't cringe every time you think of prospecting or sales for that matter.

If you have interest in coming into my basic mastermind to get clear on your offer and scale your spiritual business to $100k+ in revenue; then please reach out or put YES in the comments below for a free call with me.

For those who have successfully completed my second level, The Warrior Mastermind, we offer appointment setting services so you can scale to $30-$100k a month with your spiritual...

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How To Sell More High Ticket Offers. (Increase sales in one hour)

sales sales tips Jul 06, 2022

Are you a healer, coach, or wellness professional who loves helping people but you can't stand the "sales" part?

This is pretty common! And never fear, I'm here to help you. I'm going to teach you in one hour how to sell more high ticket coaching packages and offers to your clients.

Watch this one hour workshop to help you understand how to sell more.  

My name is Marne Semick and I'm a spiritual business coach. I help spiritual entrepreneurs build, scale, and successfully grow their businesses in the online and digital world. I have sold millions and millions of dollars worth of stuff, and I'm confident that this video could possibly change your life! Watch as I break down why people buy, why they don't buy, and how you can empathise your way into getting another client into your business.

I have many courses which can solve much of your business headaches, including "The Art of Influencing" which can be purchased by going here: Course "Spiritual Sales Academy":

If you...

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