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A Breakdown Always Precedes a Breakthrough

suffering Feb 15, 2021

Oh boy was I a master at making it look like I had it together on the outside when in fact I was dying on the inside. The world would see me as successful, beautiful, intelligent...but my internal world was falling apart.

2019 I had a significant turning point in my life.   It got to the point where I Googled ways to kill myself. Thankfully I did not follow through.  You don’t have to be that far down into darkness to ask for help. Suffering is suffering and you are in control of all of it; you just don't know it yet.

With Covid-19 forcing us to go inside, I decided to start meditating.  I would come out of this crisis a better person.  Not only did I find happiness, but I found bliss, my life's purpose and satisfaction with my every moment.  I am living testimonial that waiting for you on the other side of your suffering is an OCEAN OF JOY. Once the ego is gone, so is all suffering. Meditation can help you by clearing a pathway so your...

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How to deal with Annoying People

suffering Feb 15, 2021


Leave a comment below if you are going to try this! 

Sometimes people still annoy me. It’s usually when somebody sets a false expectation about me and then I feel short of their expectation. Then they like to project all of their internal shit onto me, which isn't really about me, it's about them.  I still find this to be a little annoying and irksome because it’s an issue I need to address in myself towards other people. It’s really about me. I find myself doing this…I set up false expectations about other people outside of myself and then I end up getting disappointed when they don’t conform to my expectation. Because this is an unresolved issue within myself, the Universe likes to set me up and throw annoying people my way which makes me frustrated, lowers my vibration, and puts me in a suffering state. Which is where I DON’T want to live.  

Here’s how I handle it: 


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Embrace the Storm

suffering Feb 15, 2021

We like the peaceful days, but we also like the  stormy days too, don't we?

 There's something about seeing a tree twist and whip in the wind.

 Or how the waves crash on the shore...with the seagulls hunkered down in the sand. 

 The tree rarely breaks, and beach returns to normal the next day. 

Nature doesn't complain about the stormy day.  It accepts the stormy day and weathers the storm.   

When you start to twist and whip in the wind of your own life, just know that the storm will pass.  When you're in the middle of said storm, know that it's beautiful too and is a part of your journey.  I call it beautiful suffering.  You cannot be human and not suffer.  It's part of the deal when we were birthed into being a human.  Suffering is a human requirement.  

Once you realize that; it makes you realize that you are doing it to yourself.  There is no suffering if there is no ego.  You can choose...

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