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The Power of Conscious Manifestation: Transform Your Life Through Mindful Creation

manifesting Apr 05, 2024

The human mind is a fascinating instrument, capable of shaping our reality in profound ways. When wielded consciously, it can pave the path to fulfillment and abundance. However, when left unchecked, it may unwittingly steer us towards a life of dissatisfaction and struggle. How many of us have experienced both sides of this coin, oscillating between moments of alignment and periods of chaos? In this exploration of conscious manifestation, we delve into the transformative potential of harnessing the power of the mind to manifest our deepest desires.

Unlocking the Potential of Conscious Manifestation: At its core, conscious manifestation is about aligning our thoughts, beliefs, and actions with the reality we wish to create. It begins with recognizing the power of our thoughts in shaping our experiences. Often, we find ourselves dwelling on what we don't want, inadvertently attracting more of the same into our lives. However, by shifting our focus to what we desire and...

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Get Out of Despair and Into Abundance [Marne Semick Interview: Passions - Abundance]

In this interview from Elizabeth at the Passions to Abundance Summit, I talk about my pathway from ultimate despair into the abundance I enjoy today. This message applies to everyone looking to better themselves, live a happy and peaceful life, filled with prosperity.

Stepping into the best version of yourself can be done in a moment or it can be done over time. I have experienced both. In this video I talk about the 5 steps to take to getting yourself on the right path and I talk about some of the practices that I have used and still continue to use to this day to manifest what I want.

Manifesting is a miracle and anyone can do it. It just takes discipline to do the practices that will set you up for success.

Watch as I break this down for Elizabeth and have some fun while I'm at it.

If you're a coach who is looking to make the world a better place, then you might want to check out my free masterclass by going here: https://www.marnesemick.com/Masterclass 

If you want to grow...

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Attracting Abundance: 3 Quick Ways to Manifest Wealth

abundance manifesting Jul 28, 2023

Are you seeking abundance and prosperity in your life? Whether it's financial success, emotional well-being, or fulfilling relationships, attracting abundance is a goal many of us share. In this article, we will explore three effective and straightforward methods that can help you manifest abundance in your life. By setting a clear intention, decluttering your life and environment, and creating a vacuum for abundance, you can align your energies and open the pathway for abundance to flow into your life effortlessly.

# 1 Set an Intention in the Morning for What You Want
The power of intention cannot be underestimated. By setting a positive and focused intention each morning, you are directing your thoughts and energies toward your desired outcome. To do this, take a few moments of quiet reflection at the start of your day. Clearly visualize and feel the abundance you want to attract into your life.

For example, if you seek financial abundance, envision yourself living comfortably,...

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The Blue Moon: Unlocking Its Spiritual Significance

Have you ever marveled at the ethereal beauty of a rare Blue Moon? Beyond its mesmerizing appearance, the Blue Moon holds a profound spiritual significance that has captivated mystics and spiritual seekers for centuries. Join us on a journey of exploration as we delve into the mystical depths of the Blue Moon and uncover its hidden meaning in the realm of spirituality.


In this video, we unveil the secrets behind the Blue Moon and its impact on our spiritual journey. A Blue Moon occurs when there are two full moons in a calendar month, making it a rare and magical occurrence. This celestial phenomenon acts as a cosmic portal, intensifying the energy and offering a unique opportunity for spiritual growth and transformation.


The Blue Moon holds immense symbolism across various spiritual traditions. It is often seen as a powerful amplifier of intentions and manifestations, making it an ideal time for setting intentions, practicing rituals, and engaging in spiritual...

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Unveiling the Secrets to Powerful Manifesting: 8 Techniques to Transform Your Reality

manifest manifesting May 23, 2023

Manifestation, the art of bringing our desires and intentions into reality, has gained widespread attention in recent years. While the concept may seem mystical, there are practical techniques and principles that can empower us to manifest our dreams effectively. In this article, we will explore eight secrets to powerful manifesting that can help you unlock your potential and create the life you desire.

I've long studied manifestation, and I can tell you I've manifested many wonderful things in my life using these techniques.  I have a great video on my homepage that explains from a spiritual point of view how manifestation works.  Go here to watch the video.

In the most simple terms, here's how it works.

  1. Clarify Your Intentions:

The first step to powerful manifesting is gaining clarity about what you truly desire. Take time to reflect on your goals and aspirations. Write them down, visualize them, and infuse them with emotion. The clearer you are about your...

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Free Webinar: Timeline Therapy & Manifestation Workshop

Heads up I’m holding a free live Webinar next Wednesday, Oct 26th at 1pm PST (LA Time)/4pm EST (NY Time) called

Timeline Therapy & Manifestation Workshop

...with special guest Matt Wood. Matt is one of my clients and this all came about in one of our private sessions together. He told me about the technology that he's been using to get his clients rapid change and I immediately said "We have to do a free workshop for people and combine our teachings!" He was an immediate yes. I love Matt, and he's one of my favorite people so I hope you'll join us.


This workshop is open to everyone. So sign up and bring a buddy as well. We all need to work on our manifesting powers even if everything is going great!


Here’s the link to register: https://www.marnesemick.com/timeline-therapy-signup


If you want to get rid of lingering negative energies, build abundance, and understand you are magnetic and worthy, then you have to come to this!



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Pssst healers! Stop playing small!

Are you still stuck in doing 1:1 healing or coaching sessions?  God bless you for doing this! 

However, it's not scalable.  (Said with love.)

The only way to scale up and reach more people is to create masterminds and digital courses.  

Creating a system and structure will professionalise your work. It allows you to help more people with your wisdom (and make more money too).

Plus the automation alone will completely change your life.  Can you imagine having more time freedom and making more money?  I'm doing it right now and I'm telling you it's fantastic!  

You are valuable.  What you have to give to the world is valuable.

Right now if you're doing 1:1 sessions, YOU ARE THE SYSTEM. 

You are not scalable! 

A system is!  I can show you with precision how to do this.  See my testimonials for how I'm showing other people too.

Are you getting people through a transformation?  Yes?!  Ok...

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Manifestation Trick You're Missing (The one secret that changed my life)

Why is manifesting so hard?! Well, I tell you why in this video. It's a process and you're missing an important piece of the process. Let me help you break it down so you can manifest what you want more easily in your life. Trust me, it works. I've used these techniques to get many things in my life, including money, love, abundance, places to live, and more.   If you're new to my channel, hi, my name is Marne Semick and I'm a spiritually awake business coach. If you're a healer, lightworker, or coach and you're looking to build a big business online to help more people and make more money, then please watch my Free Masterclass (25 minutes); located here:

Watch the free Masterclass

If you want to learn how to manifest more clients and prosperity in your business, I have a digital course called 


Click the above link to get it.

If you're working in the following niches, this article and video is for you:

  • ...
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Therapy vs Plant Medicine (Which Works Best for Spiritual Awakening?)

Do you need plant medicine in order to have a quick spiritual awakening? It it better to do it naturally without anything at all? Is it even possible to get to higher states of consciousness with or without plant medicine?

What happens when there is not proper integration after a plant medicine ceremony?

These are all topics that Chris and I address and discuss.  

Marne Semick is a spiritual business coach who helps other lightworkers and healers build and scale their businesses so they can reach more people in order to serve humanity.

If you have interest in building up your healing business then please watch my free masterclass for spiritual business owners here:   


It'll help you understand how to go from $0 in revenue to over $100k a month in revenue with your healing or spiritual coaching business.

People need you! Jump in and help humanity with your special skills and talents.  

Chris is a client of...

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Manifest Clients & Prosperity for Your Spiritual Business

manifesting May 14, 2022

This video is for how to Manifest Clients and Prosperity for Your Spiritual Business. Do you know you’re ready for more clients and prosperity but you can’t seem to get there?

I’m going to help you get focused RIGHT NOW to change your vibration.

Mindset is everything. 80/20 rule, 80% mindset and 20% strategy.

Your subconscious mind is running the show. Reprogram it. Rituals, you need daily habits that support your new mindset.

Other people who are less talented that you are making more money than you right now and this video will show you how to change it.

If you're working in the following niches, this article and video is for you:

  • the collective consciousness
  • personal development
  • spiritual awakening
  • enlightenment
  • kundalini awakening
  • energy work
  • chakra healing
  • how to start a spiritual business
  • conscious businesses
  • having a purpose in business
  • meaningful career

As an energy worker, spiritual coach, a lightworker or a shaman (doesn’t...

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