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Wisdom from our travels in Italy

vision May 19, 2023

Happy Birthday to Me. I can’t believe I made it to 52. 


I’ve spent a lifetime trying to be “good enough” …for the world….and for myself. What a paradox.  I’m impossibly funny, kind, beautiful, caring, and thoughtful.  The woman I see in this Reel is super cool! I wish I had realized this 20 years ago.


Not important (keep reading).


Today I feel such a sense of peace and satisfaction and a true inner knowing that none of it really matters. 


Things like family, love, business, all of that is of relevant importance.  But ultimately, none of it is important.  This is not said from a nihilist point of view or some gloom and doom sadness.  It comes from a deep and profound knowing that I know nothing at all.


On our travels through Sicily, we came into contact with “Roberto” who was at the front desk of the rental car place when we arrived in Catania.  Roberto...

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Mistakes to Avoid when Create a Vision for your Coaching Business

Mistakes to avoid when creating a vision for your healing and coaching business is an article and video tutorial on how to create a vision for your business so you can help more people and make more money.

A common problem that I see with my healers, lightworkers, coaches and wellness professionals is that they are not sure where they are going.  Not only that, but most people are shooting really low.  They don't want to set the bar too high because they are afraid to fail.

I'll tell you right now that failure is a part of the deal as an entrepreneur.  You must "fail" in order to see what's working and what's not working.  We call it a pivot in my world, not a failure. 

Vision...what vision do I have for my business?  What Vision do I have for my life?

In this live workshop watch how Marne helps coach people into what the vision could be for their business.

That is marrying what you are an expert at with what brings you joy.

There's a great example...

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