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Turn monthly income into weekly income for your spiritual business

In this clip we are learning how to accelerate your income by creating automation for your spiritual business. Once you've created an offer that you can go to market with, now you need to put together a backend system that can help you manage a large scale business. In this clip we talk about the funnel and what happens when someone watches your free masterclass.

Make sure you tag your prospects, we want to know where they came from. Adding tags helps you unsubscribe and subscribe your new prospect to products and funnels.

We discuss email sequences and what to say to them after they sign up.
Step one, watch this video.
Step two, book a call with me.
Step three, follow up again.

We talk about downsells and how to do a mini course and where this is relevant.

We discuss freebie guides, 7 step process to solve a customer's problem. Take one step of this process and associate a lower price point program and solve a problem for your client.

The other pathway to get them into the free...

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I'm losing hope (no one is buying my spiritual offer)

sales sales tips Nov 25, 2022



Hey Everyone it's Marne Semick and in this video I am working with a client who is having trouble selling her spiritual service. She basically has lost hope and is at a point of not knowing what to do next.

Just know that it's probably not you! Your offer and you are just fine. I know that you know how to create and help people through spiritual transformation. The part that could be the issue is typically the following:

1. The words that you're using to explain your offer are not clear. Therefore when you talk about it to potential prospects, they don't know if it's the correct choice for them. You want to speak your offer clearly so that when your prospect hears it, they say, that's me, I need that.
2. Maybe you haven't defined your ideal client well enough. I can tell you that if you're a generalist, you're probably broke. The more specific you can get and speak those words to your exact audience then it will land better with them.
3. Maybe you're not prospecting. In...

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Instagram Reels Live Training

instagram Nov 18, 2022

Are you consistent with posting on Instagram? Tell me below. 

Time to get into the Reels Game! Here's my tutorial with Sarah Strizzi on how to create #reels in instagram. This is from a live Q&A call with my Mastermind Members. I hope this is helpful! This training is located in the Basic Mastermind Conscious Wealth Building for the Spiritual Warrior.  For more trainings like this or live Q&A support from me, please reach out to us to join a Mastermind! Calls are every Monday at 9am PST and Thursday at 3pm PST!  Let me know if this training is helpful and if you need more support like this! Happy to put together some workshops if needed!  #instagram

If you like this content, you might like my freebies page, located here:


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Live Session: How to Win Clients and Influence Strangers

sales sales tips Nov 11, 2022

Hey everybody, my name is Marne and this is my channel of all things spirituality and business.  This live session we go over how to create more sales in your spiritual business and what energetic state you are bringing to your business and your offers.  There are a few things, like having confidence on what you're offering that will make a big difference.  Confidence means that you'll make more sales.  No confidence in your own product or service means that you won't be making any sales.  In this session we go over how and what to do if you are feeling like you're not getting any clients.

Please follow and like my YouTube Channel by going here: 


We discuss how you could be using social media to sell your offers and what that looks like.

The product that I mention in the video is called my Warrior Mastermind which you can learn more about it by going here: 


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Prospecting for your spiritual business (How it will make you rich)

abundance sales sales tips Nov 08, 2022

Hate prospecting?? Well I've got news for you, it's a necessary part of what we do. Here's a BONUS module that I put into Conscious Wealth Building for the Spiritual Warrior, my basic Mastermind. This and other information on sales is available in the digital product and is available to all Mastermind members!

My name is Marne and I help spiritual entrepreneurs scale their businesses quickly by teaching them how to build sustainable businesses online so you can help more people.

Watch as I break it down for you so you don't cringe every time you think of prospecting or sales for that matter.

If you have interest in coming into my basic mastermind to get clear on your offer and scale your spiritual business to $100k+ in revenue; then please reach out or put YES in the comments below for a free call with me.

For those who have successfully completed my second level, The Warrior Mastermind, we offer appointment setting services so you can scale to $30-$100k a month with your spiritual...

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Replay: Timeline Therapy & Manifestation Workshop

live workshop Nov 04, 2022

This video is a workshop designed to help you overcome any blockages that you had in the past, present or future through a system called Timeline Therapy. Please like, comment, and subscribe for more content like this.

When we look at our life, we can imagine a line...

A timeline...

When we consider we are an energy that feeds from one generation to another...

Our time line is in fact our energy line and is comprised of all our emotional experiences across our existence.

What this means is that we carry every energetic memory attached to these experiences.

When you consider that every emotion is charged eg. anger, sadness, pain, grief, abandonment, fear etc - then it isn’t hard to appreciate that we carry these triggers also from their inception or first experience all the way to now….

Now imagine, no longer being triggered.

Imagine no longer feeling anger, sadness, fear, abandonment...
Imagine not needing to justify, or repeat negative emotional patterns.


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Why do we need spirituality in business today?

Hey everyone, I'm Marne Semick and I'm a spiritual business coach. I believe that spirituality is becoming more prominent in business today, therefore, we need to bring more of our spirit offerings to the world.

Some indicators that spiritual businesses are on the rise:

1. The wellness market is valued at over $4.4 trillion and spirituality is a large part of that.
2. In 2020 Calm was valued at $2.2 Billion, that's a mediation app.
3. People are looking for more ways to feel better.

If you have a spiritual offering and want to make a business out of it, now is a great time to start and create a business.

I work with wellness professionals, psychics, meditation teachers, spiritual life coaches and more.

Check out my free offerings by going to this link:


Or book a call with me by going to this link:


Thanks for watching and please make sure to like and comment and subscribe!

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Replay Abundance is Your Divine Right Webinar

live workshop Oct 26, 2022

This video is the replay of a live Webinar that I did called Abundance is Your Divine Right.

I've always been fascinated about how the mind works. In this webinar, we talk about how abundance mantras and affirmations are really a game changer. I give you specific ideas and take away affirmations that have helped me create abundance in my own life.

If you want this specific list of affirmations, you can get them by going to my freebie section of my website and download the affirmations from there.

Here's the link to do that:


My name is Marne and I'm a spiritual business coach. I help normal people just like you build offerings around their spiritual passions and desire to help more people on this planet. I've helped hundreds of people grow their businesses, and give them the courage to step away from their boring day jobs into a life of prosperity, peace, joy, and abundance.

Would love to hear from you on what your practices are to manifest...

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What makes a Reel go Viral?

Uncategorized Oct 21, 2022

In this video I'll share with you what I think makes a video go viral on Instagram Reels. Through my own experimentation, I've been able to get some traction with Reels, and I hope this video sheds some light on what makes a viral video so that you can go and make some great content.

Reels are great for a cold audience. We need to continue reaching new prospects in order to keep our businesses alive and Reels are a great way to reach a cold audience. When working this strategy in tandem with a warm retargeted Facebook Ad campaign, we can bring more people into awareness about what we teach. And we get new followers this way. I also have a team of people who reach out to my fans on my behalf and so it's my responsibility to create great content to keep the entire system going.

As a spiritual business coach, I try and find motivational, inspirational, for funny content that gets the viewer out of their head for a second, and provide some relief to a stressful day. I always tie it...

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Free Webinar: Timeline Therapy & Manifestation Workshop

Heads up I’m holding a free live Webinar next Wednesday, Oct 26th at 1pm PST (LA Time)/4pm EST (NY Time) called

Timeline Therapy & Manifestation Workshop

...with special guest Matt Wood. Matt is one of my clients and this all came about in one of our private sessions together. He told me about the technology that he's been using to get his clients rapid change and I immediately said "We have to do a free workshop for people and combine our teachings!" He was an immediate yes. I love Matt, and he's one of my favorite people so I hope you'll join us.


This workshop is open to everyone. So sign up and bring a buddy as well. We all need to work on our manifesting powers even if everything is going great!


Here’s the link to register: https://www.marnesemick.com/timeline-therapy-signup


If you want to get rid of lingering negative energies, build abundance, and understand you are magnetic and worthy, then you have to come to this!



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