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Top 3 Tips to Sell More Things

business Apr 09, 2021

Greetings!  Happy Friday to you!  

I speak with a lot of people who come into my business whose main concern is that they don't have any revenue in their business.  Instead of thriving they are stuck in survival mode.  

Look, I totally get it!  We all have to start somewhere.  

Every entrepreneur starts at $0.   There are very few people who have the luxury of being gifted wealth or money.  Most of us have to make our own way.  This is one of the things I really love about being an entrepreneur.  It's a game.  Can I do it?  How can I do it?  What are the things that need to happen for me to do this?

In today's article I'm focusing on sales because it's the recurring theme for the people that are coming into my business, so let's dig in a little bit and discuss it some more.

Sales is a people business.  People do not buy things from emails, computers, or companies.  People buy...

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Don't Give Up

business Mar 30, 2021

Greetings Fellow Spiritual Entrepreneurs! 

Don't give up!  You'll hear me beating this drum quite a bit in my business.  Look, starting and running a business is not easy.  I have done it several times and it doesn't get any easier.  I think the challenge and uncertainty is what draws me to being an entrepreneur in the first place.  I love the game.  

Here are some things to watch out for in your business.

1. Don't energetically abandon the project.  If you lose your enthusiasm for it, it'll show in your business and will reflect when you're servicing your customers and talking to new prospects.  Most of us get a great idea, and then when we discover how hard it actually is to build it, we give up and leave it there.  Then we like to make all kinds of excuses about why it didn't work.  

2. Don't blame others for why your business isn't working.  It's not working because it's you.  I'm sorry to...

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Speak Your Truth

truth Feb 15, 2021

The below excerpt was taken from the book that I'm writing which is a prescriptive memoire.  This is the unedited version, but is something I hope to share with you all one day.   Please comment because it'll help me get a publisher.  :)  Enjoy.


~ Don’t deny a part of who you are.  It what makes you who you are, which you are also not. ~


It was 1980, in Idaho. 

Earlier that year Mount St. Helen’s blew up on my birthday, May 18th. I remember my grandma, mother, and I walking into the grocery store and my grandmother looked up and said “It’s really going to storm.” Boy was she right. For the next 40 years it would be quite a storm.

I was in the fourth grade. My best friend hurried to me, very distressed.  She ominously whispered, “It’s your turn.” 

We were in the middle of another boring recess. It was freezing cold, and I had a warm coat on with fake fur around the collar. I...

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A Breakdown Always Precedes a Breakthrough

suffering Feb 15, 2021

Oh boy was I a master at making it look like I had it together on the outside when in fact I was dying on the inside. The world would see me as successful, beautiful, intelligent...but my internal world was falling apart.

2019 I had a significant turning point in my life.   It got to the point where I Googled ways to kill myself. Thankfully I did not follow through.  You don’t have to be that far down into darkness to ask for help. Suffering is suffering and you are in control of all of it; you just don't know it yet.

With Covid-19 forcing us to go inside, I decided to start meditating.  I would come out of this crisis a better person.  Not only did I find happiness, but I found bliss, my life's purpose and satisfaction with my every moment.  I am living testimonial that waiting for you on the other side of your suffering is an OCEAN OF JOY. Once the ego is gone, so is all suffering. Meditation can help you by clearing a pathway so your...

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How to deal with Annoying People

suffering Feb 15, 2021


Leave a comment below if you are going to try this! 

Sometimes people still annoy me. It’s usually when somebody sets a false expectation about me and then I feel short of their expectation. Then they like to project all of their internal shit onto me, which isn't really about me, it's about them.  I still find this to be a little annoying and irksome because it’s an issue I need to address in myself towards other people. It’s really about me. I find myself doing this…I set up false expectations about other people outside of myself and then I end up getting disappointed when they don’t conform to my expectation. Because this is an unresolved issue within myself, the Universe likes to set me up and throw annoying people my way which makes me frustrated, lowers my vibration, and puts me in a suffering state. Which is where I DON’T want to live.  

Here’s how I handle it: 


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Body Identification

body Feb 15, 2021

As women we are constantly being bombarded with what society tells us our worth is in the form of body identification. Yes it’s important to have a healthy body, mind and spirit. I practice yoga daily and also lift weights and go for runs along the beach.  I eat right, sleep well and watch what I put into my body.  I feel good.  It's more about feeling good instead of what the number is on the scale for me.  If I feel good, I am happy, and I stay in a state of Bliss.  When we start to think of our physical bodies as WHO WE ARE, this  instantly creates suffering.  

The more you continue to buying into body identification as who you ARE the more your suffering will persist. Yes, I have a body.  Yes, I'm human. But I am much more than my form consciousness. 

Marne is the Universe's consciousness in recognition of itself through me.  The space consciousness that resides within me, the stillness, makes up mostly of who "I...

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Tips on Staying Vibrant

body Feb 15, 2021

Here are my Pro Tips for staying Vibrant as we age: 

When I tell people my age it's usually met with shock.  "OMG really?  You're 49?"  Then they get real curious about how I'm doing it.  Here's my list...these are all important, but I'm trying to list the most effective ones at the top: 


1. Meditation. Clear your old trauma. If you have old trauma sitting in your body then it's going to lower your vibration.  The trick to staying looking and feeling youthful is a high vibration.  When you have a high vibration, then your body will comply with you and you will draw more positive energy to you.  Click here to buy my Chakra Clearing Mediation Series. This is exactly what I used to wake up and clear my trauma so I recorded it so you could have the same experience.  


2. Happiness, ie. removing a negative mindset.  Walking around in a bad mood is like telling the Universe to send you more bad things.  It's...

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You are more than you give yourself credit for

awe Feb 15, 2021

Here are my six steps to helping overcome the "I'm not worthy" syndrome that we all carry around with us.  Just the fact that you are a living breathing Being is a miracle in and of itself.  Why on earth would you take that for granted? You are on this planet, at this time, for a reason. 

Try embracing these six steps.  Sit with them.  Meditate with them and see what comes out the other side for you.

  Lean into the idea that you are here for a reason and a purpose.

  Realize that you don't know everything, and you probably never will.

  Enjoy other people.  They are there as reflections of who you are, always teaching and testing you so that you can be your best self.  When you get triggered, thank them.  They are helping you grow.

  Stop taking this experience so personally.  This is happening, right now.  Relax.

 Believe in something greater than yourself.  The delivery system...

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What is spacetime?

awe Feb 15, 2021

The Big Bang happened 13.8 billion years ago. All at once “nothing” became everything.

Little clumps of dust started to collect and attract to itself more of the same. The little individual bits started to coalesce into individual galaxies, stars, planets, life on earth and yes humans.

We are all bound together by spacetime. Spacetime is the nothingness between you and me, but it’s a living, bendable force all the same. Spacetime is what holds up the stars, planets, and galaxies. Gravity is the bending of space and time itself.

When I do yoga, I am bending the spacetime around me.

The Universe is made of spacetime and spacetime is what the Universe really is. It’s the unknowable force that rules the Universe. 

Time is an interesting concept and I've been very interested in the subject of time.  What is time?  Time isn't necessarily linear.  For example, the closer you get to a black hole the slower time slows down or stands...

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Manifesting Abundance

abundance Feb 15, 2021

Mediation helped me understand on a profound level that all I need I already have. Everything else I want is just a fantasy and doesn’t exist. The very act of wanting creates a suffering state within us. Staying in state of prolonged wanting and desire creates prolonged suffering. This is a lesson which takes a while to get and is what kept us from being financially free, finding our soul mate, being at our ideal weight, etc..  

There’s nothing wrong with wanting and desiring things outside of ourselves.  It’s normal and natural to want money, friends, lovers, relationship, cars, yachts, a six-pack, or fill-in-the-blank. Have you stopped to ask yourself why you want “it” in the first place? You believe if you have the article, or person, or boat you desire, only then you will be happy.   This is non-sense. Happiness comes from within and there’s nothing in your external environment that will give you a sense of happiness...

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