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Mastering Your Mindset for Sales Success (NEW MANTRA! EVERYTHING I TOUCH TURNS TO MAGIC!)

mindset sales Aug 04, 2023

After this conversation, Ashley's sales went up almost immediately.

In the world of sales, your mindset can make all the difference between success and failure. How you perceive and react to different situations can significantly impact your sales performance. In this post, we'll explore the importance of mastering your mindset for sales and provide practical tips to help you stay on track even during challenging times.

Recognize the Power of Your Mindset:
The video emphasizes that your mindset can fluctuate depending on your mood and external circumstances. Some days, you may feel unaffected by rejections, while on other days, it might affect you personally. Understanding that your thoughts and energy can influence your sales interactions is the first step toward taking control of your mindset.

Take a Step Back and Refocus:
When faced with negative energy or feelings of unworthiness, it's crucial to step back and detach from the situation. The video suggests methods like meditation,...

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3 Quick Ways to Attract Abundance Into Your Life

abundance manifesting Jul 28, 2023

Are you seeking abundance and prosperity in your life? Whether it's financial success, emotional well-being, or fulfilling relationships, attracting abundance is a goal many of us share. In this article, we will explore three effective and straightforward methods that can help you manifest abundance in your life. By setting a clear intention, decluttering your life and environment, and creating a vacuum for abundance, you can align your energies and open the pathway for abundance to flow into your life effortlessly.

# 1 Set an Intention in the Morning for What You Want
The power of intention cannot be underestimated. By setting a positive and focused intention each morning, you are directing your thoughts and energies toward your desired outcome. To do this, take a few moments of quiet reflection at the start of your day. Clearly visualize and feel the abundance you want to attract into your life.

For example, if you seek financial abundance, envision yourself living comfortably,...

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Building Your Spiritual Business: Don't Make These 3 Common Mistakes

Starting a spiritual business can be a transformative journey filled with opportunities for growth and impact. However, many aspiring spiritual entrepreneurs face common pitfalls that can hinder their success. In this post, we'll explore the three worst mistakes I've observed when spiritual entrepreneurs begin their businesses, along with valuable insights to help you navigate these challenges and build a thriving venture.

Biggest mistake #1 Getting Discouraged and Walking Away

One of the most significant hurdles spiritual entrepreneurs encounter is the feeling of discouragement. Building a business takes time and effort, and it's not uncommon to face setbacks or slow progress. When things don't immediately go as planned, some entrepreneurs might feel disheartened and consider walking away from their dreams. However, it's crucial to remember that every successful entrepreneur faces obstacles. Embrace these challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, staying committed to your...

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Unveiling the Secrets: The Top Three Truths They Don't Tell You About Starting a Spiritual Business

Are you considering starting your own spiritual business? In this eye-opening video, we delve into the lesser-known aspects of embarking on a spiritual entrepreneurship journey. Join us as we uncover the top three truths that often go unmentioned, but are vital for your success. Get ready to embrace authenticity, hard work, and the surprising power of a small audience. Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion!

Welcome back, spiritual seekers! Today, we're diving deep into the mystical world of starting a spiritual business. While many talk about the joys and rewards, there are three crucial aspects that often go unspoken. So, grab your sage smudge sticks and join us as we reveal the secrets to thriving in this realm.

Point 1: Be ready to show up authentically as yourself

Be ready to show up authentically as yourself. In the realm of spiritual entrepreneurship, embracing your true self is essential. In this segment, we'll explore the power of vulnerability, why your unique...

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From Vision to Reality: 501 Reasons to Start Your Own Spiritual Business

Are you looking for a way to combine your passion for spirituality with your entrepreneurial spirit? Starting a spiritual business may be just the opportunity you've been waiting for!

There are countless reasons why now is the perfect time to start a spiritual business, but we've narrowed it down to 501. Here are just a few:

You can align your work with your values and beliefs.
You can make a positive impact on the world.
You can help people connect with their higher selves.
You can create a business that is truly unique and authentic.
You can inspire others to live more purposeful lives.
You can create a flexible schedule that works for you.
You can earn a living while doing something you love.
You can develop your own spiritual practice.
You can learn from other spiritual entrepreneurs.
You can join a supportive community of like-minded individuals.
And those are just the beginning! Here are 491 more reasons to start a spiritual business today:

You can create a space for healing and...

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Unleashing Your Spiritual Wisdom: Overcoming Self-Doubt to Share Messages from Spirit

I want to dive into a topic that I believe resonates deeply with many spiritual business owners out there. It's about those magical messages from the spiritual realm that whisper in our ears, filling us with divine wisdom. You know, those intuitive insights, divine downloads, and messages from Spirit that have the power to transform lives.

However, I've noticed something fascinating. Many spiritual entrepreneurs receive these profound messages but often find themselves hesitating, doubting, and questioning their own worthiness. They possess this incredible wisdom but lack the confidence to bring it to the world, to make a real impact and uplift others. And that's what I want to address today.

In this video, we'll explore the transformative journey of stepping forward, getting out of your own way, and embracing the power of your spiritual gifts. I'll share practical tips and insights to help you overcome self-doubt, silence the inner critic, and unleash the radiant wisdom that...

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Unveiling Personal Issues in Your Business: How to Evolve and Build a Thriving Venture

In this thought-provoking video, we delve into the realm of personal issues that can surface within your business journey. Join us as we explore three key points to identify these challenges and evolve beyond them, paving the way for a more successful and fulfilling entrepreneurial path. Don't miss out on unlocking the potential to create a better business!

Welcome back to our channel! Today, we're diving deep into a topic that often goes unnoticed in the world of business: personal issues and their impact on our entrepreneurial endeavors. So, let's get started and discover the three key points that will help you identify and overcome these challenges to create a better business!

Point 1: Self-Awareness

The first step towards building a successful business is self-awareness. Take a moment to reflect on your own behaviors, mindset, and emotions. How are they influencing your decision-making process and business outcomes? By recognizing and acknowledging personal issues, such as...

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Crushing It on Instagram: Unleash the Goldmine of Client Opportunities

instagram Jun 09, 2023

Are you ready to tap into the goldmine of client opportunities on Instagram? In this YouTube article, we'll delve into the remarkable success story of Ryn, who secured her first high-paying client within 4-6 weeks using Marne's proven Instagram marketing methods. Discover how Ryn overcame imposter syndrome, procrastination, and feelings of unworthiness, and learn from Marne's valuable advice to believe in yourself and keep prospecting. Get ready to crush it on Instagram and unlock a world of client possibilities!

Ryn's Journey: From Doubt to Triumph

Ryn, a driven entrepreneur, found herself drawn to Marne and joined her Level 1 Basic Mastermind called Conscious Wealth Building for the Spiritual Warrior. Here's the link to check out that Mastermind if you're interested: https://www.marnesemick.com/conscious-wealth-building 

Intrigued by the potential for client acquisition, Ryn decided to give it a shot. Little did she know that this decision would transform her business and...

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Embrace Your Life's Mission: Discovering and Fulfilling Your Soul's Purpose


In a world seeking meaning and fulfillment, finding your soul's purpose can be a transformative journey. Imagine living a life aligned with your true calling, where passion and purpose intersect. In this blog article, we will embark on a soul-searching expedition, uncovering the steps to finding and fulfilling your life's mission. Get ready to embrace the adventure that awaits!

Step 1: Make a List of What Brings You Joy and Your Areas of Expertise To embark on the path of discovering your soul's purpose, start by exploring the activities and subjects that bring you immense joy. Dive into self-reflection and identify areas where you possess expertise or unique knowledge. By aligning your passions and expertise, you lay the foundation for a purpose-driven life.

Step 2: Market Test and Engage in Meaningful Conversations To gain further clarity, reach out to individuals who inspire you and exude passion in their endeavors. Engage in meaningful conversations, exploring...

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Boost Your Sales: Harnessing the Power of DMs to Connect with People on Social Media

In today's digital age, social media has become a thriving platform for businesses to connect with their target audience and drive sales. While public posts and ads are effective, there is an often overlooked tool that can exponentially ramp up your sales: direct messages (DMs). By engaging with people through DMs, you can establish meaningful connections, build trust, and convert potential customers into loyal advocates. In this article, we will explore how to leverage DMs on social media to enhance your sales strategy and drive business growth.  If you're looking for outsourced lead generation for your business, then you might be a candidate for our appointment setting services

Lead generation typically is the ONE THING that will drive any entrepreneur crazy.  Where are all the clients!  If this is you, then keep reading because I have some great tips for you. 

Here are a few steps to get you started. 

  1. Research and Identify Your Ideal...
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