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Show Up for Yourself and Take Action

abundance Feb 15, 2021

Many of you have energetically abandoned your dreams and your goals during the course of the year.


Do you journal?  If so, take a look at what you wrote last year at this time on December 31st 2019.  Are you in the same place that you were one year ago today?  Has your mindset changed?  Did you get excited about all the change that was going to happen and then slide back into a negative mindset during the course of the year?  


We seem to get this renewed sense of inspiration at the end of a year and beginning of the New Year....then, well, what happens?   Life, I suppose.  Life happens.  We start to begin to build the alibi for WHY we are not reaching our dreams and goals.  Covid, unemployment, pandemic, misery, job loss.  Yes, all of these things are real and it was a tough year for many people. 


Honestly, it was one of the best years of my life. 


I intended to WAKE UP, and I did.  I...

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How to Create Miracles

abundance Feb 15, 2021

What is a miracle?  A miracle is when a manifestation request happens nearly immediately. 

What are the components for manifesting a miracle?  Let's take a look at that.

1. First you need complete surrender.  Have you ever requested a miracle and been granted this request?  I know I have.  It could be simple or could be a life and death situation.  It's almost as if you're at your wits end and you know that YOU cannot do anything else, and it's beyond you and you need help from a "higher power".  You completely submit in that moment to something greater than yourself.

2. Your "request" quickly becomes a "command." If you need a miracle you don't have time to wait around for things to manifest at their own speed because you need it RIGHT NOW.

3. Recognition of the said miracle when it arrives does what to you?  You have complete faith in something greater than yourself.  You believe in God or the...

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What is the nature of Reality?

awe Feb 15, 2021

I read an article recently from Scientific American whose headline was: 

"Do We Live in a Simulation? Chances Are about 50–50"  

I thought, oh boy.  But I was intrigued.  I know in my own experience my dream state is just as vivid as my waking state.  So what's the difference?  Could it be possible that I'm creating my waking state just as much as I create my dream state while I'm laying in my bed at night?  Buddhists define the difference between dream and waking states but they are just states all the same and not true reality.  

When I read that I might be living in simulated reality it gave me reason for pause.  If you're a Star Trek fan like I am, the hologram computer program that they would use for fun when they have time off is what we're talking about here.

Here's an excerpt from the article: 

"Now a new analysis shows that the odds that we are living in base reality—meaning an existence that is not...

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Tips on Filming Yourself

business Feb 15, 2021

Aw, man, I have to film myself?  Yes!  If you are a service provider you need to get in front of people and show them your face so that they believe  you are trustworthy. I know it can be hard...there's a more in depth discussion on filming yourself for your website and social media on in my course Conscious Wealth Building for the Spiritual Warrior, but I'll list a couple ideas below for you.  

1. Make sure the lighting is upwards on your face.

2. Make sure the sound quality is good by using a lapel mic or headphones.  Also make sure you're in a relatively quiet location.  

3. Pretend you’re on a date.  << see more below. 

4. Use a scripting tool instead of winging it.  

It may sound strange, but how you behave when you’re trying to impress someone is very similar to the ideal way to present yourself on camera.How will this help improve my camera presence?

Think about how you prepare for a first date:

  • You want to...
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Embrace the Storm

suffering Feb 15, 2021

We like the peaceful days, but we also like the  stormy days too, don't we?

 There's something about seeing a tree twist and whip in the wind.

 Or how the waves crash on the shore...with the seagulls hunkered down in the sand. 

 The tree rarely breaks, and beach returns to normal the next day. 

Nature doesn't complain about the stormy day.  It accepts the stormy day and weathers the storm.   

When you start to twist and whip in the wind of your own life, just know that the storm will pass.  When you're in the middle of said storm, know that it's beautiful too and is a part of your journey.  I call it beautiful suffering.  You cannot be human and not suffer.  It's part of the deal when we were birthed into being a human.  Suffering is a human requirement.  

Once you realize that; it makes you realize that you are doing it to yourself.  There is no suffering if there is no ego.  You can choose...

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